Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, November 13, 2015

ICT Exercise Roadrunner 2015

Feel like blogging this down for memories sake..

Ah, the dreaded annual in-camp training once again.  Going into this year's ICT, I was feeling apprehensive yet kind of welcomed it in a weird way because it allowed me to take a break from my boring work.  I didn't really prepare mentally for it until the day itself.  Many things happened this year compared to last year, obviously the biggest being I have a girlfriend now...which made going through ICT an entirely different experience in a good way.

Obviously, felt so sian about the 3d2n outfield exercise for this high key.  Expected it to be xiong, etc.  Ah, a feeling that we cannot escape as long as do not hit 40 years old.

Finally after a long weekend break, I booked in Sunday night to sleep overnight.  Also brought all the necessary stuff with me and packed my field pack for the next morning.  Really a dreadful feeling this particular night.  The evening spent with bebe to catch up and make myself feel better... That night couldn't get a peaceful sleep, woke up at 5 am finally to prepare already.

Mind was kind of numb, as if back to "grinding mode" already.  Went for a really quick breakfast at the cookhouse of bread and omelette...which was really energizing.  Then brought everything to grandstand to standby.  Forgot what happened the morning except lots of waiting as usual...didn't even do field pack inspection like other platoons.  My platoon was luckily very slack.  Finally waited until 9 plus and headed to parade square, and soon after the coaches arrived to pick us up and send us to the Lam Sum area for our 3d2n outfield.

Reached the first training shed, which was designated as the Main Command Centre (MCC), and had the outfield brief.  For this outfield, I volunteered as the pointsman for the TRC ops.  Although it was the toughest role, I was sick of the sedentary lifestyle I was experiencing and needed some action...

More waiting and luckily or unluckily for us, it began to rain (CAT 1) status.  So as usual in SAF, we have to wait until CAT status cleared before exercise can resume.  Waited, bored and took out drawing pad to sketch the background.  Finally CAT status cleared but already 4-5 pm.  Load up tonner and transported to our area TCP 09.  Ours was a 3 way road that included a holding area.  But luckily, our area was full of shade.  Other sections were not so lucky and had to stand under the hot sun the next day.

Wow, going into the bushes again is such a weird feeling...it has been literally years since I last did that.  It was so hardcore that we had to hack away bushes using parade and stamp on the tall grass to clear a space to rest and put our barang barang...very 夸张... oh yea, just remembered the imba preparation I made, including bringing a small plastic tool!! It proofed to be such a difference maker.  Then again, we went to standby our stations but to our chagrin our section was not tested the entire evening and all we did was wait, and wait, and more wait.  Of course during this time we began to talk and I think this was where I finally shined.  Previously I was damn quiet I don't talk shit because of the inferiority I felt when I saw that most of my section mates were married/attached.  But this time it was different as I was the same status as then.  So I had that additional anchor to support me.  I really cherish and thank my gf for being there.  Anyway, dinner was simple; for the first time in years I ate combat rations again and cooked using mess tin.  Back to soldier jungle survival, I quite like it.

As the night turned dark, it was announced CAT 1 again, and it did drizzle a bit before stopping in our area.  Long story short, there was a miscommunication and resulted in...you guessed it, more waiting.  In the end we waited one hour for the tonner to pick us up, and during that hour we were so shagged that we slept on our LBV/field pack in the middle of the road...

Back to training shed and good news for us, exercise cut for the night.  So no night ops or whatever that we were dreading... Got to remove no. 4 and powder bath...omg the best feeling was taking off my socks and scratching the itchy red area...orgasmic.  Powder bath felt so good also...and after powder bath changed to admin shirt and slippers...heavenly.  Immediately after, went to sleep with rifle beside me and field pack as my pillow.

Surprisingly no night turn out of early morning deployment...so got to wake up at 7 am with a very satisfying 7 whole hours of sleep. :) Was recharged, went to pee and brush teeth and got ready to move back to our TCP again.  This time no CAT 1 so we moved our early.

When we reached there we deployed again, initially starting off with a shift system.  My partner began first and I was the resting detail...but didn't want to go back into the bushes to rest because it was too damn filthy, hot, and lots of mosquitoes and whatnot.  Stayed outside to talk cock.  From then because there wasn't any scenarios so we just tested everyone who wanted to cross our TCP...if not it was just more talking and waiting.

In the mid-day, after lunch, more activities went on. We talked more, bonded, made bets, took pictures, etc.  Whatever to kill time.  Finally we were told to standby for one real scenario.  This time a lao jiao was the pointsman and he unintentionally because the most hilarious dude because he would carry his cigarette and smoke while awaiting the convoy to arrive...visually it was amazing and it was just so cool to see a guy so chill and laidback while doing his duty.  The scenario played out and we did our jobs and were commended by the testers..

And guess what, soon, CAT 1 again and this time we did not have to wait long for our tonner to arrive.  Loaded everything again and moved back to training shed to rest.  Upon reaching training shed, rest and more chatting.  Then waited for some VIPs to arrive to talk to us, namely CO 1PB and CO MP Command.  By the time they finished it was already dark.  Next we settled down for a quick dinner, and this time I whipped out my secret weapon - German sausages, hot dog buns, and MacDonald's chilli and ketchup sauce.  Quickly made some hot dogs and shared with my section mates to everyone's satisfaction.  Tasted so good.

After dinner, load up tonner and back to TCP again.  Then we were dreading night ops but mentally prepared as it was the final night.  Endure this night and it will be over.  This round of mending the TCP and waiting was the most memorable because there was no more inhibitions and we just let go, talking about everything and anything under the moon.  The camaraderie was there and it's time like these when we look back and cherish.

At about 11 pm, our final scenario finally played out and this time, I was the pointsman on duty.  I was 50% satisfied with my performance as I did make a mistake.  But was given quick feedback and then good news - standdown and prepare to load up tonner to go back to training shed.  No further reason why but we all know, it was to go back to sleep.  We didn't have to sleep in the wretched bushes and rocks.  Hurray!!

Back to training shed, as usual powder bathed and changed to admin and slippers.  So happy and satisfied exercise finally cut and after tonight's rest, we will be able to go back tomorrow.  Slept around 12 am and had another wonderful 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep...

The next morning, expected to be deployed back to TCP but that didn't happen. Except for chosen guys who went back to de sign.  Had time again to start fire and cook some breakfast - the piping hot cup noodles I shared with my sergeant was heavenly.  The luncheon meat I brought also received some attention!

Then to my surprise, we did a quick area cleaning and go ready to return to Mowbray camp.  It was only 10 plus.  Feeling happy it was finally over and proud that I went through this outfield.

When we returned to camp, we did the usual of cleaning up the rifles and returning stores... and then finally, booked out.

Overall, it was a good experience that had more ups then downs.  Especially enjoyed the bonding time with section mates and being able to apply the TRC ops knowledge.  Till next year's ICT, which will be NDP, have a good year ahead and cheers.

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