Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, June 7, 2012

25 Challenge Day Update

-Fasted AM LISS 30 minutes
-Chin ups
-Push ups 100

-Treadmill HIT 10 minutes
-Chin ups

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

25 Day Epic Cut

1. ST65
2. Project LabMONSTER

3. The 25 Day Challenge

Super motivated and fueled by anger now...screw all these people who won in the genetic lottery and are thriving in this superficial world now...they don't have to do SHIT and work as hard yet they can easily get what they want...compared to normal average poorfags like us...

Whatever man, I have to do this for myself, I have to do this to represent my peers who are like me, and I have to do this for those who have died. Most importantly I have to do this to show the world.

To be honest, after I ORDed I thought I'd never blog again. But right now I need to do it again, I need to outlet to channel my thoughts and record things down if not I will go into depression (??). Seriously F* this dull mundane life again...why can't the holidays be shorter and school last longer..at least in school I feel alive...wow

this is turning into a depressing post

I didn't plan on this

Whatever, stop digressing and play your game right Lab. Focus, focus, focus on your 25 Day cut...that is all you can do now, you have to do it man...

I was successful for ST65 and Project LabMONSTER because I had focus and did not waver. But this time I may have too much things on my mind...

Yes, I have become complacent...because of school...there is a lack of motivation...since the initial reasons that drove me to change no longer exist...But I think I have it back...I have a newfound motivation...but this is gonna turn out to be the toughest yet, because I am going to go against genetics and nature..(seemingly).

Ok no more stalling...

Let's set the blueprint.

From tomorrow, 6/6/2012 to 6/30/2012, I will be doing a 25 Day Cutting routine. I will change diet. Meaning back to self cooking, chicken breast, pasta, fruits, yogurt, canned tuna, bread etc. Dinner will be fixed as home cooked meal. Breakfast can only be YTF or occasional cai png. The in between meals/snacks is most important. I think I will probably just spam chicken breast. Followed by my workouts, obviously gonna start running more. Much more. everyday HIIT, one a week LSD. PLUS abs workout and chin up every single day and I mean it. Do NOT miss a single day due to anything. ANYTHING. It will all be worth it in the end.

Also, I will take daily pictures for progress. I will need to buy every day's newspaper for validity. I will also need to force myself to look at my fat as fat ass body from tomorrow onwards, after a whole year (or TWO? WTF). I will need to gym three times a week in order to record and take pictures of my weight loss progress. Also, have a fixed time to take photos to ensure consistency ie every night.

Ok, Lab, we have done this before man. You are not a noob on this. You know what it takes for success. Do not let anything distract you please. Just use all of THAT as fuel. That feel (fuel) when...

Remember, key words: diet, abs, chins, daily pics, no more sweet drinks.

Oh, try to blog progress daily.


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