Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back from hiatus, again

So two months has passed again..

And a lot of things happened.

But luckily non of them are bad. Istana life has generally been good so far. I'm glad I don't have to post about punishments, screw ups...etc. Finally, I can look forward to ORD.

How long has it been man? I feel like a prisoner, finally getting out after one year 10 months. A hell of a journey it has been. Right now, 5/10/11. Only 58 days left. Less than two months.

This one year 10 months has sucked my soul right out of me and spit it out so many times. Torturous. I will ORD a broken man, but I will do just that. ORD. Then it's time to start anew. Time for me. MY time.

Anyway, just wanna update my ITB injury.


Left leg healed

Right leg ITB flared up

Not seeing physio for right leg

Stretching by myself

Can do 10k before pain kicks in.

What is my feeling of doing the marathon this year?

Dreadful. Optimistic, but prepared for the worst. The races I've had the past few months says alot. I did the no frills run, 15K around july. Worst race ever, worst performance. Due to the pain, I got last out of male runners, 3rd last overall. How sad. Then, AHM. Been looking forward to it since LAST year. Always aimed for a strong timing. But again, ITB killed any hopes I had. Did 21k, finished, but took me 3h30mins. How sad. I could only endure until 17k before I had to walk all the way to the end. Yes, it's that sad. I'm a shell of myself. Pandan reservoir run, did not participate as I forbid myself to join anymore races til' Stan Chart. Last year I got 2nd runner up for it, this year no participation. Sighs.

Somewhat resumed proper training again, but don't think I can clock enough mileage. only 2 months left. I know my chances of completing this year alone, is slim. DNF? I'm prepared for it. But obviously I've signed up already so will just run and see how far I can go.

New equipment? LB support for my right leg. It works way better than an ITB brace. Also, after months and months of considering and hesitating, I'm getting the Newtons on Oct payday. It's gonna be $200+ gone, but I'm getting quality...I hope.

So yea, In a running journey filled with obstacles, I am trying to be as optimistic as possible. But it will be painful.

I have less than 12 duties left, (can't believe I'm saying this) it's all gonna be over soon. I have GRINDED through 130+ duties and earned this right. This month will be hectic, with duties, parades AND pre-ORD training but it's gonna be the last hectic month in my SAF life. Nov I will just be spamming off and abusing my 10 days leave. I love it man.


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