Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, February 24, 2012

For myself

Writing For Psych Recap!!

Chapter 2: Essays

6 Sections
  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Body
  5. Conclusion
  6. References
-Abstract, Title and References MUST begin with headings
1. TITLE: brief description of main argument
-not exceed 15 words
-cover sheet must include title
-title will be placed centred at top of 1st page of main text (3rd page overall)
-omit redundant phrases

2. ABSTRACT: informative summary of essay, 120 words
-introduce topic, arguments, summarize evidence, conclusion, implications
-abstract will be placed on 2nd page, under heading: ABSTRACT
-one unidented paragraph with double line spacing

3. INTRODUCTION: introduce essay
-10% total words
-highlight significance, why your topic is important
-highlight controversy, why issue is complex
-do not imply argument is a fact (fatal error!)
-summarize argument
-signpost structure of essay (guide overall plan)
-consider definitions
-definition: arbitrary or theoretical

4. BODY: procedures, theories, ideas, arguments, criticism
-70% of words
-organise material and flow
-concise and precise, describe details of research articles
-avoid flawed arguments
-vacuous support (uninformative citations)
-vacuous dismissal of opposition (dismiss opposition based on emotions)
-misrepresentation of opposition
-avoid false dichotomy (only considering 2 options and overlooking other alternatives)
-eg "If you're not with us, you're against us." - Being neutral is not an option.
-avoid false etymology (relying on dictionary definition)
-avoid false generalization (assuming evidence can apply to different context)
-avoid false analogy (conclusion based on similar issues)

5. CONCLUSION: verify all complications to your argument have been addressed
-10% of words
-ABSTRACT vs CONCLUSION: abstract is clear to layman, conclusion assume layman has read the entire essay
6. REFERENCES: all citations
-new page
-5 letter indent (to mel standard)

Chapter 4: Referencing

-Finding information
-Understand sources of info: book, book chapter, journal
-book: written by author
-book chapter: section of edited book, updated
-journal article: original research

-reference searching: define search, books, journal, internet
-define search times
-books: recent publication, specialised
-journal articles: find from different authors, use electronic databases
-internet: search last, check reliability
-Refining search: boolean operators, search backwards in time, search forwards in time
-evaluate sources: trustworthiess, use primary sources

-Reading: read purposefully, scan material, read carefully and critically
-Taking notes: aid in remembering, ensure accurate material, ensures understanding and critical
-steps to take notes: record reference accurately, rewrite material in own words, table to
organise information, (O)=author's opinion|(C)=author cited someone|(F)=author's own research,
quotation marks

-Citation: acknowleging your source
-choose a citation type: name and parenthetical
-name citation: author is IMPORTANT or when you want to paraphrase extensively (elaboration)
-parenthetical citation: surname and year in brackets, imply author's name not that important
-name use 'AND'
-parenthetical use (name&name,year)
-secondary source citation: citing author's citation eg(Adam, 1967, as cited in Genesis, 1970)
-citating non-standard sources: personal communication
-personal communication eg(Smith, I.A., personal communication, January 1, 2006)
-Formatting citations: reader must be able to find reference in reference list for whatever you're

-No author of BOOK: publication manual (2001), (publication manual, 2001)
-No author journal article/chapter: "Social Psychology", ("Social psychology", 1995)
-one author: Name (year), (name, year)
-two authors: Name 'and' name (year), (name&name, year)
-three or more: Spear, name, name and name (year), (if using again, use "et al). eg Spear et al.
(year), (name, name & name, year)
-Six or more: name, et al. (year)
-Same first author only: include as many names as necessary to distinguish'
-same authors: Roger(1950a)...Roger(1950b)... , (Roger, 1950a,b)
-Same Sirname, different person: include initials to differentiate
-translated article: specify year published and year translated eg(Kant, 1781/1965)
-No date: (name, n.d.)
-many references to same argument: several studies (Burton et al., 1977; Crovitz, 1964, 1972; Spear
et al., 1972; Spear & Gantz, 1975)
-many references and same authors: Crovitz (1964, 1972), (Crovitz, 1964, 1972)

-Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting: summarize essense in as few words as possible, paraphrase to provide more detail, quote to discuss exact words of author.

-Formatting Quotes: ensure quote flow smoothly to sentence
-use ""
-specify page number
-page number in brackets (after quote)

-Embedded quotation
-place [sic] for any spelling error in original quote
-italicise important words, add [italics added]
-insert material to clarify quote by adding [eg. only]
-single quotation marks '...' for quote within quote
-use ellipsis to omit (...)
-Block Quotation: 40 or more words
-begin quote in next line after text, and resuming text on next line after quote
-indent all lines of quote by 8 characters (left and right)
-no need to use double quoation mark

-Referencing: author's names; publication date in brackets, title of reference, information about
specific edition in brackets, publication data, (for e-reference) exact date reference retrieved
with URL.
-Reference to Books: Author, I.N. (year,(month, date)) Book title italicised. Place of publication:
publisher. [retrieved month, date, year]
-eg Lab (2011, February 12). The Difficulty Of Psychology (italicised). Singapore: JE publication.
-For Ebook, Lab (2011, June 17). What is life(italicised). Singapore: JE publication. Retrieved
February 12, 2012), from http://www.kvlttrve.blogspot.com

-References to Book Chapters: Author, I.N. (year, month, date). Chapter title. In A.N. Editor (Ed.),
Book title (italicised) (edition), (pp start-finish page), place of publication: publisher
(retrieved month, date, year)

-References to Journal Articles: Author, I.N.(year, months, date). Article title. Journal title
(italicised & capitalised. volume number italicised). Start-finish page. [retrieved month, date,

-Authors: Surname, I. N.
-Seperate initial with one space.
-Seperate names of authors with comma.
-2-6 author place &.
-more than 6 place et al.

*for EDITOR (not author), reverse: I. N. Surname
-place (Ed.) or (Eds.)

-Publication date
-year of publication in bracket and fullstop
-specify most recent copyright year
-translation specify year translated
-no year: n.d.
-specify month and date

-exact title
-capitalise first letter of title or books, journal articles, book chapters
-italicise book title and journal title
-end with full stop

-Reference list
-same surname, arrange according to initial
-first author of two reference the same, arrange according to second author
-author of two reference same, arrange according to year.
-author, year same, according to title
*vertically in alphabetical, horizontally no.


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