Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bulk Day Fifteen: PRECISION

Oh my. I can't believe it but I hit EXACTLY 72.0 kg today!! Wow. This result is a complete success. And this 15 day blogging was not for nothing. Damn, call it lucky, but I was 99% on planned diet and this 4 kg bulk was all hard work! Woo!!

Now, now now. The big question. Bulk or cut. I don't wanna make it some huge dilemna. I should know myself, I should follow what I feel. It can go either way. My two options are:

1) Cut to 71 kg (-1 kg) for leanness and vascularity.
Pros: More ripped, more aesthetic, obviously
Cons: Might lose hard earned arm size/muscle.

2) Continue Bulk to 74 kg (+2 kg) for bigger mass
Pros: Increase overall size, easier for cut later
Cons: Look bulky/fat, not so aesthetic (temporary)

Obviously for the long term it's good to go for option 2. But I've only a few weeks before school reopen. I think I want to look better when school reopen first, then bulk later. Maybe do a compromise? Ok, I'll probably continue this diet, meaning no changes, but may take note of fats now (since I didn't care about fats that much on 15 day bulk). But I think I'll up to two interval cardio sessions per week, PLUS abs training every day. Plus I'll totally (if possible) eliminate sweet drinks. Ie no crap like sweet drink or whatever. Not that I'm drinking a lot now.

Indeed, I now look kinda on the bulky side. The difference is quite obvious. Comparing now to when I was 65 kg it's quite obvious. A bit not used to this look, but just do it for the bigger picture.

Hmm, I'm not scared to bulk more in fact, considering how big my peers are. I need to be stronger than them. I need also, to be more aesthetic. That's the problem, they don't know how to be aesthetic. It ain't just doing 100 crunches every day, it's your body fat. And how is body fat controlled? HIIT + nutrition. I'm way ahead of them on this aspect. So yes, I'll aim 71 kg cut (max bulk limit 73 kg) right now.

Anyway, very good result today. Very happy with the 15 day bulk SUCCESS. Time for every greater things!

Strength standard after 15 day bulk (kg):
DL: 95 x2
Squats: 70 x5
Bench Press: 55 x8
Bent over rows: 55 x5
Seated Military Press: 40 x5
Chin up: 10
DB curl: 10 each side

Ok so my biggest weaknesses now is my bench press and  bicep curls of course. Argh, F them genetics but I'll just have to train hard.

6 months later, when I look back on this post (you will smile when you read this, like always) will I drop to fatty or will I improve much more?? Hopefully the latter.

As I say again, I am very satisfied with the 15 day bulk, it was a big success, it was PERFECTION. 72 kg on the spot. Wow, I can't emphasize enough. Time for greater things YEA.

Protein intake: 240.9g


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