Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bulk Day Twelve: PROPORTIONS

Since the last time I was critique on tric>delt I've been more self-conscious about proportions. Now that I see closely and from different angles my delts is really quite small and looks like it can't hold my arms. Then the upper part of my biceps is so weird, like it's flat. Wth. Maybe I'm thinking too much but I'm so gonna focus on biceps now because I want the swollen mountain look instead of flat.

Today marked the first time I hit the gym alone in a few weeks. Went to JE instead of pioneer simply because I wanted the privacy. Moreover JE gym had all the facilites I needed for my workout today. In the end turned out great, tough I didn't dare to push heavy, I focused on endurance (ie more reps) for the definition. Lats/chest/biceps all worked to 90% today. Good session.

After which I was anticipating a very good MONDAY NIGHT RAW, but once I saw that Jericho wasn't gonna speak for the second week in a row I was super turned off. However other parts of the show made it overall quite enjoyable and funny too, esp with R-truth segment and brodus clay's Funkasaurus debut. Damn it, how long can I be patient for something to happen?? Jericho NEEDS to either have a match/interfere/SPEAK next week, or I will really lose all interest in his it-begins gimmick already.

Lol why am I talking about WWE?

Anyway restocked today. My bank account is on the verge of falling below $**** and those shit agents still ain't calling me back. WTH. I've been duped 3, 4 times already since I started finding a job. Screw them all, I have the experience and two years back I was being hired like nobody's business. It's ok, I can survive not working, who wants to work for puny ass money anyway.

Ok, three more days to end of this epic bulk!!! Can't wait to see my final weight. Made a rookie xin jiao mistake of forgetting to take my weight today. Zzz. I'm guessing 71.5kg and below 72. We will see in three days. Hopefully hit 72 perfectly, which I'm confident of.

Ok, gotta go take a huge DUMP . . . !!

protein intake: 263.3 (may be more, oh  yea)


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