Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Finally, finally today when I went to the gym I saw some concrete improvement in my overall mass! I don't know why, seems like everything finally clicked! All my efforts until have not been wasted at all. Just after 1month18days I have become bigger and my strength have increased. Yea...

But still, this is no where near my goal. It's a HUGE stepping stone though, but ain't no way the Lab gonna stand on his laurels. I've gotta keep giving myself new targets and new challenges like these to keep on improving, no matter the circumstances or context. I don't wanna go in uni, and really downward spiral like how everyone around me predicts I will. I will find a way to squeeze in STUDY, play AND GYM. It will be tiring but I'd rather be busy than slack anymore. I have rotted for 2 years in army, the time for my engine to go full throttle has started.

Gym today was short and sweet. A/shoulders/trics. I think I will hit supersets for arms from now onwards, seem like the best method to really kill em'. Maintained my DL weight of 77.5 kg. I can handle it but it's tough. Need to take it slow, if I increase weight every alt session for the sake of pride, I will fall to the hands of injury sooner and more abruptly than I know. Also I need to focus on isolating delts and biceps. I don't want to look uneven.

Hmm, checked weight and increased again. Seriously I really gain weight DAMN quickly. But it's mostly good lean gains. Now 71.7 kg. Soon to be 72 kg soon. Then I think I'll cut/cardio to 71.5 or 71. After that bulk again. I think I'll focus on definition and vascularity now. I'm not one of those guys with mass but no definition, that's so ugly.

Today's diet, quite standard, cai png, bread, egg, chicken breast. Good, keep it up.

Oh it's Sunday alr? 2 more weeks to school start!! Tml monday, rest/chin ups day. Wow the hard earned gains has given me a lot of confident boost, let's put in max effort until school starts!

protein intake: 242.5g


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