Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Hi blog I'm finally here for today's post..

So today had a great Gym session, working the back/shoulders/tris. Managed to once again, Improve my DL (now @ 77.5kg/5 reps). Also, switched from seated shoulder press to seated military press today, and it was much tougher. Could only go max @ 9kg each side, which shows how weak my shoulders are. Thats why it's so tough, so many different body parts to train, no wonder it's called 'bodyBUILDing". In the case of cutting, you only need to care about losing on thing and that's fats but for this, zzzzzz is all I can say. Also, the superset of close grip bench press+lying triceps extensions was very very effective, because I was working both aerobic and anaerobic sides.

Diet on track also, but it swear there's quite a bit of fats in also. It's ok, what I'm aiming for is size now. By the way I'm 70.5 kg now, which is seriously a bit faster than expected and not that good actually. The extra weight might be more of fats instead of lean mass, I'm not sure. In any case, the aim now is still 72kg, after which we will evaluate again and change from there. MYFS if you're reading, please eat something now. Your current aim is 60kg when are you gonna show me you've hit it?? 

Will my schedule be screwed up due to work? Because if I'm starting work soon (applied for a few just now) I may have to sacrifice gym timing... But since I already made a tough decision (and another risky + potentially foolish one) to choose that job that only burns my weekends, instead of the one until 22 Jan, I guess my sessions won't be interrupted. Of course, hopefully I get the job tomorrow. Oh my, the difference between the two jobs are HUGE, as I was calculating just now. Basically it was a case of $$$+sacrifice gym+time VS less $$$+GYM. And I was deeply considering because it was $1000+ vs $400+, HUGE difference. But if I get the less paying job, it would be mission successful because I can still gym on schedule which is the main priority now. 

Ok, such a long post. For current standards anyway. I'm becoming lazier and lazier to blog. Please keep this up, ALREADY 5/15 days completed!!!

Protein intake: 243.8g


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