Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bulk Day Thirteen: PUMPED

I've just finished ANNNOTHER arms workout. This is what I do on alt nights at home: 30 mins, bb burl 3 set, bis curl 3 set, push up 120, tris 3 sets. BB/DB replaced with heavy-ass bags. All done with very little rest time, accompanied by loud music. Totally effective, my arms totally have the feeling of exploding after the work out. The PUMP!

I'm really curious what my weight is now. It's hovering around 71 - 72 but I gotta be sure. Did I drop, did I gain?? Guess I'll only know for sure come Friday. Since I'll have spotter on Fri, tml gym is postponed to Fri. So probably will do another chin up/dips session below my house.

When I wear some of my old shirts now, eg Istana shirt, I can feel the arms taking up more space. It's giving me the tight feeling now, especially so after a fierce arm work out. It ain't no illusion, it's real. I can tell the difference. And this is just the beginning...

Just tomorrow and Friday to conclude this fifteen day epic bulk. Had my doubts as to whether I can focus and not get distracted throughout the duration but I'm really glad I manage to keep discipline and motivated.

Ah...another day of good diet plus workout. One more step to my goals!

Protein intake: 244.7g


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