Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bulk Day Eleven: SILENCE

Woah, it's day ELEVEN already?! I think I should blog every time I set a new target because it just makes time pass so quickly.

Another boring day at home. Boring ie online most of the time and no social contact. But I did what I was supposed to do today, and that was to eat right and do my pull ups. Right now I am back to 10 clean overhands, but I needed to put in max effort. I have to train more so that I can really do 10 perfect, clean pull ups with less than 100%. For pull ups it's better to do perfect ones than to struggle and cheat yourself.

Was kind of lacking in food today. My chicken had only 6 pcs left, and I didn't have anything else to replace. Hesitated a while but decided to head to Sheng Siong to get some cheap tuna. It's better than buying another meal, like YTF or rice which is incomparable to the amount of protein/price a can of tuna gives.

I think I'll have to start taking off the shirt and taking progress shots. But I think my stomach is still quite fat. Actually, not really. Just not as cut as when I was 60~kg. I think I can really see the gains now, while flexing today. More, more, more!!!

Today I titled it 'Silence' because all my hard work is being done at home, and at the gym, most of the time alone or with one or two buddies only. They don't see my progress yet. In silence I am training my butt off, motivated, and I would LOVE it when people whom I've not met for a long time see my changes. It's not enough yet. I will get stronger and I will do it. It's not easy, they will be miring and it will all be worth it.

Ok, tomorrow, my special day again, Gym in the morning, MONDAY NIGHT RAW after that, (please Y2J turn heel and SPEAK) oh can't wait.

protein intake: 235.6g

QOTD: The workout can't be compromised.


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