Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bulk Day Seven: PROGRESS

Ok it's day 7 already. Another week has gone by and my weight has increased again. Is it too fast? Currently 71 kg. No, I'm not binging and fattening myself up my diet has been quite strict and ain't no way, no chance I'll binge back to 'fat' mode. The growth is all on the upper body.

Gym session as usual, good workout, pushed biceps hard today. I can't believe I'm being scrutinized for forearm bigger than deltoid =.= but now that I think of it it's really kinda weird and I have to start isolating the delts before I turn into grovyle =.=.

Oh, yea THURSDAY is a wonderful day to go gym! Good music, good 'scenery', no kids/arrogant people, lesser people than usual. As I said my weight taken this morning after gym was 71.1kg already. It's good progress since one month 15 days ago when I started. According to general belief it's only safe/normal to gain 2-3 lbs/month. So calculating for me, 4.5 lbs/1.5 months should be normal for me. My weight gain is probably (71-68=3kg) which is slightly over the norm but not too much. But like what I posted before just hit 72 kg, evaluate my strengths/look/gain, then see if to shred the fat or to bulk more (probably bulk more). My limit is 76 kg, because for my height (1.74cm) the normal weight should be 68-76 kg.

Current lifting stats:
Bench press: 47.5kg/5 rep
DL: 77.5kg/5 rep
Squats: 57.5kg/5 rep

According to strength standards I so at the 'untrained' level, WTH. But I understand it takes year of training to increase your strength. I've only done this for 1.5 months. So we will come back 6 months later and see where my standards are again.

Ate a lot today again, more than yesterday. Tried cooking fish, turned out better than expected BUT still tasted like shiet. Not viable for the long term. Haix. Looks like I'll be sticking to chicken for a while.

Protein intake: 250.7


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