Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bulk Day Six: STUFFED

Argh!! It's so difficult to eat so much!! Everyday lots of milk, lots of tofu and lots of MEAT. I need so much MEAT. But it's tough to eat so much. Sometimes, no most of the times when I can't keep on schedules and stuff everything at night, I really feel like vomiting. (Like now.)

Sigh...But never mind, in order to achieve this, any hardship is worth it. Rest day today, back really feeling it as usual. Tomorrow will be doing chest/B/biceps and we have to hit it HARD to make up for Saturday's disappointing session.

I Think I'm finally gonna start work, for real? Went for the interview today, and turns out this is just another one of those CNY jobs that is so rampant currently. Was mislead about the freaking pay! It stated $9/hr for 14th and after but when I clarified, they said it will depend, and $9 was if the client wanted to increase it due to festive season and/or performance basis. Which is BULL! I wanted to walk but since the schedule is flexible and $7 is still not the worst, I just stayed. And another bad thing is, I'm sort of lowering myself...inside the interview with me were actually 17 yr old KIDS...like OMG I really felt out of place. Yes I knew initially 16 yr old and above was eligible but I was interested anyway because of the $9/hr, but without it...I'm definitely shortchanging the hell out of myself, given my experience in temp promoter jobs. Which is quite extensive, might I add. It's ok, just do it, $400, GTFO, start school, SIM, study. We are only doing this to make sure my bank a/c doesn't drop below $****. My hard saved cash from being a CHAO NSF cannot be anyhow spent, no matter what people say!!

Alright, I've reached my blogging capacity again (LOL) and I might have to stop now. Tomorrow Gym, Friday work (possibly), Sat finally hanging out with friends.

Protein intake: 246.2g approx.


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