Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Wow, I didn't expect to jinx myself when I said today was gonna be tough. I don't mean physically, but it was a tough gym session mentally, a tough pill to swallow.

I was judged on my poor form and looked down upon on my capabilities. I won't forget the comments. I won't forget the smirk look.

In any scenario, I would be beaten down and discouraged. But no, my character through army has evolved into something bigger. So I will not allow myself to be disheartened because they think I'm a scrawny little guy or because of my poor form.

THANK YOU, because all of you idiots are just FUEL, fuel for me to improve. Please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E insult me and laugh at me more because everything you do, I will train harder, I will bust my ass more in order to overtake you. Thanks!

But seriously, today's gym session is only 70% complete because of the lack of facilities in Delta Clubfitt. I will not go there again for a long time.

Anyway, time to prepare my chicken then sleep.

Countdown at night, maybe?

Protein intake: 243g

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bulk Day One: RESTART

Ok, so I'm 90% recovered from my flu and cough, which was horrible for the past five days. An update, I've been constantly Gyming for the past month three times a week and I think I'm learning a lot of new things. The key point to highlight is that I'm doing compound lifts now, (deadlift, squats) instead of being a curlbro. I know that will help in my mass gains. Feels like I've been enlightened on the actual workings of how to body build. The past few years that I've been going to gym were all either useless or not very effective, because I wasn't hitting correctly and I didn't have the ''gym psychology". But it's ok, now I know, and with so many peers around me doing the same thing, I am ready to maintain and overtake them.

There's only one month left before school starts. I've hoped, or rather I thought it would start at Jan 1 but no, it actually starts on 30th. Which basically leaves me with another month to utilize. It's good and bad, but I guess I just have to follow suit.

Today I'm not gyming since I already did yesterday, so I'll focus very much on the nutrition. So far it's as planned, 3 eggs and 2 slices of bread in the morning, and YTF for lunch. I need to cook my chicken breast also.

*comes back from taking chicken out of fridge and drinking my whey*

What. If I didn't blog I'd probably have forgotten to do those. Oh my god. Anyway I already commited the first mistake which is forgetting to restock my chicken this morning!!! Now I'm only left with I think half a breast (sad) but anyway I'll just cook it and maybe have a heavier dinner.

That's pretty much it, will update numbers tonight, hopefully.

Total: 211.9g protein

Anyway for tomorrow, day two, will most probably hit the gym for B plus lats/biceps/chest. It's gonna be very tough tomorrow.

PLAB series: 15 Day Fast Bulk

Now's the time. The second intense part of this long transformation. Ok, so we started with the 10 day challenge, which was quite successful, if not we won't we here blogging part 2 now. The 10 days was a good start to discipline me and get me back into the game, so to speak.

Ok enough time wasting, let's detail some stuff down. Current weight 70 kg. start around 67+ I believe, so I've made good progress. Even though I may seem fatter now but cutting the fat should be no prob for me. The important thing is to build mass.

Ok so from tml until 15 days later the diet and training will be as strict as possible, even if I have to work. Food control and especially protein intake must be followed and monitored closely. Some new stuff I will try, like fish. Many old tried and proven stuff I'll keep, like chicken and milk. Gym sessions will no doubt be effective and planned. There's not much time left before sch starts on 30th jan do I have to take this time to do as much as I can.

Ok blogging on iPhone is very tough, so we'll start with Day One tml!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Da Hell

I am conditioned to yawn when I hear YHYL

Unconditioned stimulus=sleepy
Unconditioned response=yawn

Conditioned stimulus=YHYL
Conditioned response=yawn


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