Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Final March

Yes, I'm actually posting on a WEDNESDAY night/THURS morning. No, not because I AWOL or ATT C la. My Company was fortunate enough to earn a one day bookout such that we can have a nice rest back home before going for SDC visit tml. It's kinda pointless to an extent, but hey, a bookout is a bookout and I ain't complaining man!

Finally Finally Finally we've completed ALL of the high key events in BMT (barring the last 24km RM). It feels so satisfying and reliving. All the danger and stress and all that crap is over. These particular three days were the SHIT man. Monday, night IPPT. Tuesday, SOC + 16km RM. Wednesday, Live HG. If this doesn't get more mindfuking, I don't know what will. At least for a recruit's life, k?

The most important thing was that I did NOT DIE from HG...people were like, what if this happen what if that happen...and you hear all the stories of how people kena severe injury or die from the explosion of the grenade...JUST HENG I THREW THAT PUNY RUBBER EXPLOSIVE OUT FROM MY HAND AND I MADE IT ALIVE. Let's see...16km was ok, will I say it's really really shack? Not really, I mean, I was able to carry on and end strongly so let's just say I'm confident of finishing 24km. "BANKAI" really works...BUT one must only use it near the finishing line...for 16km, most of us "BANKAI" on de last 3km and it really freaking pushes you all the way to the end!

Oh, and how can I forget IPPT? Well, let's just say it's bittersweet la. I earned a SILVER, but seriously I was that close to a GOLD so it's kinda heartpain. Anyway, SILVER is better than nothing, and I've proved to myself that all my hard work from a fatty until now was not wasted. However, I know, the final test will be to achieve IPPT GOLD. Only then will I have 100% transformed from FAT to FIT. My aim is to hit that target by the next 2 - 3 IPPTs.

SBJ: 230cm (4cm more!!!)(3)
Chin ups: 11 (Just nice)(4)
Shuttle Run: 10.21 (enough for GOLD)(4)
Sit ups: 60 (my highest ever)(5)
2.4km Run: Timing not out, should be around 10 flat? (Must hit 9 min 44 sec)

Just SBJ and 2.4km...so close, yet so far, it's tearing me apart =.=


Fk you, I choose both.

On a side note, I've finally gained some invaluable info bout' my future, but I've not come to a conclusion yet. Please let me have time to consider my best route. So ( ) help me...



QOTD: Maybe?


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