Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Give me Fuel!


You ain't gonna break me!

I have a present for you.


Just gonna make me stronger.

Towards project LabMONSTER, one step @ a time!


QOTD: "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". -Murphy's Law

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hit by ITBS...

Google it. 

I will only post when I recover, which is when, I don't know.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

To Earn Your Respect.

A new week, a new year, a new challenge.

FINALLY, finally, finally, the obstacles are gone. I have finished my 3 extras and gone through the rough patch of the past two months. Now, I feel revived and ready to restore some overdue peace and tranquility in my life.

*Here comes a new Challenger!*

- - I P P T.

The time has come. And I am going to relish this challenge. After a few bouts of failed attempt at Gold, I feel that this is the time. To actually work for it. OH please let my dream of attaining Gold be a reality for the new year...

Talk aside, I have to really draft up a strategic and efficient plan to ensure I get Gold. So first of all, we have to throw away the past and start anew. It doesn't matter if I could do 12 pull ups last year or jumped only 225cm, everything starts from zero. I have a month before my window opens on the second week of February. Perfect. One whole month to train up.

So let's get things into perspective.
One, Pull-ups.
Previous: 12
Now: 10
For Gold: 10/5 pts: 12
My belief, not just for myself but for everyone is, if you have done it before, you definitely can do it again. So how I will tackle pull-ups is to go back to basics. Keep doing, and doing and doing. Whenever, wherever, any pull-up bar appears, do. Apart from that, focus on lats workout during Gym sessions. And just keep doing and doing more. I believe this part is fairly easy.

Two, Standing Board Jump.
Previous: 225 cm
Now: Do not know
For Gold: 234 cm/5 pts: 242 cm
The Killer. Gets me all the time. Stopped me from Gold once. I've talked a lot about SBJ but really done nothing to improve. I think it's not just about technique, I need to strength my quads too. So I'm trying these new workouts -- weighted squats, tug jumps every day, lunges every day, and also, going to SBJ boards and practising. Yes, one GREAT facility @ Teban Gardens is the newly built IPPT training corner. I am going there for not just SBJ, but other stations INCLUDING 2.4k run on alternate days (ideally), starting from tomorrow. So, I have to overcome 9 more cm to GOLD~~!

Three, 2.4km run
Previous: 9:35 approx.
Now: Not sure, 25:20 for 6.2km.
For Gold: 9:44/5 pts: 9:44/Elite: 9:15
As of now, I am quite worried for my running. I'm not talking only about 2.4, I actually refering to RUNNING itself.

I am suffering from Runner's Knee. No doubt. I know it. Imma leave this 'why' and 'how' questions for another day, but lets just go back to the training plans first.

To run 9:44 for 2.4km, we need to average at 1:37 per 400m. That is a punishing pace, truly. I obviously do not go at this pace during runs, not even during races, so I can tell you it is incredibly hard. 1:37/400m is not even race pace, it's 2.4 pace. Bloody hell. I can visualise how painful it is to run 2.4 pace. I have to go at a near sprinting pace and keep at it for 2.4km now that is challenging. But I have done it before, and not just barely but 10 seconds below the cut off so I know how to handle it. But obviously, I am quite rusty now, and worst come to worst I may just blow my knees training for it. But I'm going to train anyway. Back to basics, HIIT, 2.4k pace runs, and maybe, if I have the time, go for a 2.4k trial. Damn, I am excited to tackle this station again!

Lastly, Shuttle Run/Sit ups.
These are free points, not much worth talking about. 10:04s for Shuttle Run and 39 situps is a giveaway, no worries at all.

Hmm ok, basically I've listed all that need to be done. And if I follow them to the dot, I know I can do it. I want it badly man, I want it badly.

So after my next IPPT, I hope it's not just "A Taste of Gold" anymore, but "I've Done It."!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


My blog my be a joke, but that won't stop me from carrying on writing...It's all just for the record...it's worth it man.  

Am I just blur or plain lazy, I wonder?

Is it just my attitude or maybe I'm just too inferior?

Time and time again I've been reminded, yet time and time again I keep commiting mistakes. 

Today was another fine example. I was guilty of not one, but FOUR mistakes that could have resulted in extras again. My hair, my boots, my uniform and my inner vest. Now that I see it, basically every part of my appearance. My hair -- totally forgotten since I was on duty and not present for the rehearsal, when they usually remind us to get a haircut.  My boots -- did not tie all the way up. It's the damn tradition of my Platoon to just tie a few but I should have known better. My No. 1 -- dirty, crumpled. But I used it for two duties. No excuses also I guess. My inner vest -- So happen that they say CANNOT wear ISTANA shirt for God knows what dumb reason. Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. But, well. You could guess how nervous I was throughout the whole parade. He could have caught me ANY moment. But I escaped. Worse, superpowers like RSM MPTS, RSM SAF and even CDF were present today. But, I escaped. I don't know how. I was incredibly lucky. INCREDI-FUCKING-BLY LUCKY. 

But I HATE THE FEELING. To live with fear and uncertainty every minute. If I go through moments like these every now and then, my lifespan will shorten even more. But fkin' hell, why are they so strict on little crap like these? Sign sign sign I'm SICK of hearing the WORD 'SIGN'. SIGN, EXTRA, SIGN Fuck.


It is fate that I did not sign today. Because I had opt to do today's parade. Volunteered. And son, you don't punish people for helping people, period. It's all fated. So I laugh in their face who wanted me to SIGN SIGN SIGN. 

I'm SICK of signing, punishments, etc. I really am. 

But I got through today, safe and clean. It's a big relief. Just another parade, just another day in the office. 

But I can't assure my luck won't run out soon. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Progress is slow but sure.

Ok, we are already almost 1/3 into the month! Like I said, I am very busy with the guard duties and parades. BUT, good news is, I've finished TWO of my three guard duties and this Mon will be the last one! It's fast. Ok, quite relived as I almost got myself into serious trouble again. 

From my point of view, the days I chose my duty was brilliant. Especially Thur's. We skipped Friday morning run, skipped TWO parades, and not to mention the free food. On top of that, we managed to get afternoon off even though PC & PS wasn't around! Everything went well man. And I saw and learnt some interesting stuff that I wouldn't have if I hadn't done guard duty again. Exposure, you'd call it? Yes, I may be too overly optimistic and all, and them sour grapes will try to diss me off (since punishment is still punishment), but hey, I got the BEST situation out of the worst. Don't be jealous!

With the extra duty almost over, we move back to my primary Istana mounting. Have a shitty feeling about tomorrow but I've felt like this too many times to know it's gonna past soon enough. Next week is not gonna be easy either. Sunday duty, Monday Guard duty, Tue ( PM off?), Wed the usual CPFA+Drill (oh f*** me), Thur PARADE, Fri duty. Oh gosh.

I definitely have to squeeze in time for personal work like my portfolio and gym/runs. Tue PM off for gym...Thur PM off for run..? This is pathetic. There is really NO time. I give up. For this week at least.

Anyway, PAY DAY soon! Time for some investments...

On hindsight, January just seems to be very hectic. But I have a feeling it will be very productive. Especially after week two, where hopefully things get back to normal. 

I hope by Monday I will serve my last guard duty ever. More importantly, I will not allow myself to commit another stupid mistake or lead my ass into trouble again. Enough is ENOUGH. I really want my remaining months to be smooth sailing from next week onwards. (Unless...the past comes back to haunt me and some people know what I'm talking about...)

Let week two pass already.!  >.<

Monday, January 3, 2011



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Awful Start to the Year!

Oh shit, things just got worse.

First, I kena duty on 1/1/2011. 

Now, I am sick with flu and cough. 

Geezzz, it really sucks doesn't it? All the circumstances are pushing my mental state of mind to the extremes...seems like the bad stuff keep on stacking on one another..

I have one BIG question in my mind one. Will 2011 be a horrible year for me? The signs aren't good at all. To be sick and doing duty on the first day, what do you think? 

But obviously, I hope this bad streak is just temporary. Who knows, the year may slowly reveal itself to be my best one yet! 

But right now...things ain't lookin' good. Argh, I SHOULD have known I would be sick. The symptoms WERE there, now that I think back. After the Marathon, I allowed myself to binge on junk food. It resulted in my unnecessary weight again and drop in fitness. Then I went to sign 3 extra. This affected my moral deeply and stressed me out. I was stressed everyday, the past two weeks. Which led to lack of sleep. I only averaged 6 hours sleep the past week. And I consumed too little plain water. All of these combined and WHAM, the flu hit me yesterday afternoon during my sleep and now the sorethroat and cough joins in to torture me. 

I was gonna say it would be a totally shite day if MAN UTD DREW WITH WEST BROM BUT HEH, CHICARITO JUST SCORED IN THE 74TH MIN TO GIVE MAN UTD A 2-1 LEAD!


Thoughts: I think I need some BM therapy. And a lot of running. I did not do my planned 30K, but I am gonna do it straight after I recover. The damn Facebook crap and my weight gain -- sweet motivtation to kill the mileage. 

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