Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, January 16, 2011

To Earn Your Respect.

A new week, a new year, a new challenge.

FINALLY, finally, finally, the obstacles are gone. I have finished my 3 extras and gone through the rough patch of the past two months. Now, I feel revived and ready to restore some overdue peace and tranquility in my life.

*Here comes a new Challenger!*

- - I P P T.

The time has come. And I am going to relish this challenge. After a few bouts of failed attempt at Gold, I feel that this is the time. To actually work for it. OH please let my dream of attaining Gold be a reality for the new year...

Talk aside, I have to really draft up a strategic and efficient plan to ensure I get Gold. So first of all, we have to throw away the past and start anew. It doesn't matter if I could do 12 pull ups last year or jumped only 225cm, everything starts from zero. I have a month before my window opens on the second week of February. Perfect. One whole month to train up.

So let's get things into perspective.
One, Pull-ups.
Previous: 12
Now: 10
For Gold: 10/5 pts: 12
My belief, not just for myself but for everyone is, if you have done it before, you definitely can do it again. So how I will tackle pull-ups is to go back to basics. Keep doing, and doing and doing. Whenever, wherever, any pull-up bar appears, do. Apart from that, focus on lats workout during Gym sessions. And just keep doing and doing more. I believe this part is fairly easy.

Two, Standing Board Jump.
Previous: 225 cm
Now: Do not know
For Gold: 234 cm/5 pts: 242 cm
The Killer. Gets me all the time. Stopped me from Gold once. I've talked a lot about SBJ but really done nothing to improve. I think it's not just about technique, I need to strength my quads too. So I'm trying these new workouts -- weighted squats, tug jumps every day, lunges every day, and also, going to SBJ boards and practising. Yes, one GREAT facility @ Teban Gardens is the newly built IPPT training corner. I am going there for not just SBJ, but other stations INCLUDING 2.4k run on alternate days (ideally), starting from tomorrow. So, I have to overcome 9 more cm to GOLD~~!

Three, 2.4km run
Previous: 9:35 approx.
Now: Not sure, 25:20 for 6.2km.
For Gold: 9:44/5 pts: 9:44/Elite: 9:15
As of now, I am quite worried for my running. I'm not talking only about 2.4, I actually refering to RUNNING itself.

I am suffering from Runner's Knee. No doubt. I know it. Imma leave this 'why' and 'how' questions for another day, but lets just go back to the training plans first.

To run 9:44 for 2.4km, we need to average at 1:37 per 400m. That is a punishing pace, truly. I obviously do not go at this pace during runs, not even during races, so I can tell you it is incredibly hard. 1:37/400m is not even race pace, it's 2.4 pace. Bloody hell. I can visualise how painful it is to run 2.4 pace. I have to go at a near sprinting pace and keep at it for 2.4km now that is challenging. But I have done it before, and not just barely but 10 seconds below the cut off so I know how to handle it. But obviously, I am quite rusty now, and worst come to worst I may just blow my knees training for it. But I'm going to train anyway. Back to basics, HIIT, 2.4k pace runs, and maybe, if I have the time, go for a 2.4k trial. Damn, I am excited to tackle this station again!

Lastly, Shuttle Run/Sit ups.
These are free points, not much worth talking about. 10:04s for Shuttle Run and 39 situps is a giveaway, no worries at all.

Hmm ok, basically I've listed all that need to be done. And if I follow them to the dot, I know I can do it. I want it badly man, I want it badly.

So after my next IPPT, I hope it's not just "A Taste of Gold" anymore, but "I've Done It."!


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