Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Awful Start to the Year!

Oh shit, things just got worse.

First, I kena duty on 1/1/2011. 

Now, I am sick with flu and cough. 

Geezzz, it really sucks doesn't it? All the circumstances are pushing my mental state of mind to the extremes...seems like the bad stuff keep on stacking on one another..

I have one BIG question in my mind one. Will 2011 be a horrible year for me? The signs aren't good at all. To be sick and doing duty on the first day, what do you think? 

But obviously, I hope this bad streak is just temporary. Who knows, the year may slowly reveal itself to be my best one yet! 

But right now...things ain't lookin' good. Argh, I SHOULD have known I would be sick. The symptoms WERE there, now that I think back. After the Marathon, I allowed myself to binge on junk food. It resulted in my unnecessary weight again and drop in fitness. Then I went to sign 3 extra. This affected my moral deeply and stressed me out. I was stressed everyday, the past two weeks. Which led to lack of sleep. I only averaged 6 hours sleep the past week. And I consumed too little plain water. All of these combined and WHAM, the flu hit me yesterday afternoon during my sleep and now the sorethroat and cough joins in to torture me. 

I was gonna say it would be a totally shite day if MAN UTD DREW WITH WEST BROM BUT HEH, CHICARITO JUST SCORED IN THE 74TH MIN TO GIVE MAN UTD A 2-1 LEAD!


Thoughts: I think I need some BM therapy. And a lot of running. I did not do my planned 30K, but I am gonna do it straight after I recover. The damn Facebook crap and my weight gain -- sweet motivtation to kill the mileage. 


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