Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Progress is slow but sure.

Ok, we are already almost 1/3 into the month! Like I said, I am very busy with the guard duties and parades. BUT, good news is, I've finished TWO of my three guard duties and this Mon will be the last one! It's fast. Ok, quite relived as I almost got myself into serious trouble again. 

From my point of view, the days I chose my duty was brilliant. Especially Thur's. We skipped Friday morning run, skipped TWO parades, and not to mention the free food. On top of that, we managed to get afternoon off even though PC & PS wasn't around! Everything went well man. And I saw and learnt some interesting stuff that I wouldn't have if I hadn't done guard duty again. Exposure, you'd call it? Yes, I may be too overly optimistic and all, and them sour grapes will try to diss me off (since punishment is still punishment), but hey, I got the BEST situation out of the worst. Don't be jealous!

With the extra duty almost over, we move back to my primary Istana mounting. Have a shitty feeling about tomorrow but I've felt like this too many times to know it's gonna past soon enough. Next week is not gonna be easy either. Sunday duty, Monday Guard duty, Tue ( PM off?), Wed the usual CPFA+Drill (oh f*** me), Thur PARADE, Fri duty. Oh gosh.

I definitely have to squeeze in time for personal work like my portfolio and gym/runs. Tue PM off for gym...Thur PM off for run..? This is pathetic. There is really NO time. I give up. For this week at least.

Anyway, PAY DAY soon! Time for some investments...

On hindsight, January just seems to be very hectic. But I have a feeling it will be very productive. Especially after week two, where hopefully things get back to normal. 

I hope by Monday I will serve my last guard duty ever. More importantly, I will not allow myself to commit another stupid mistake or lead my ass into trouble again. Enough is ENOUGH. I really want my remaining months to be smooth sailing from next week onwards. (Unless...the past comes back to haunt me and some people know what I'm talking about...)

Let week two pass already.!  >.<


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