Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lab IS Running!

OK, just finished a 12K filled with obstacles. I've done it, I've finally broken the 10K barrier after my injury. I am more than pleased to say that there is ZERO pain from my ITB, which is just incredible. My legs felt better than expected after the 12K, however I did struggle for the last 1K because I decided to endure dehydration until I reached the end. It's a stupid move, but it was a calculated move to save money. I can endure through, anyway. Wow, just 2 months ago I was still battling the ITB but right now my form is coming back. I've learnt to control my gait and keep the ITB from flaring up. Right now...I just wish for a pair of Newtons so that I can complete the transition to "Natural Running".

On the run itself; hmm not so good. Me being a "Road Idiot" (in Chinese) managed to miss one of the easiest turning points and ended up a good 1K away from the planned route. Wow this is a really irritating problem that almost always happens when I run an unfamiliar route. I don't have that sense of direction, like others. Anyway, I had the troublesome task to take a bus back to the turning point to get back on track. LOL.

Gombak-CCK-Yew Tee is actually quite boring. The runnable route is surrounded mostly by factories and housing estates. I don't think I'll be doing this one in the near future.

So now, we just have to keep on the 10% rule (increasing distance by 10% every week) and play safe. (Though I did 12K instead of 11K). It's ok, just too excited to be able to do >10K FINALLY. With no struggles. Yea..

When I ORD...Stan Chart 2011, Dec 4, I will see YOU...!


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