Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Sick and Twisted Mind

Oh my god.

I suddenly remembered, i have to blog this down. I had a freakish nightmare yesterday night. First and foremost, I've had tons of sick and impossible nightmares before. But I think this really tops the rest. Even thinking of it now makes me sick to the stomach.

The Heart.

Suddenly, I woke up in a pitch black room. I knew something was wrong with me but not quite sure what. Then I started walking...and walking...and walking... All of a sudden, I felt something move inside me! It was my heart! It seemed...weird, like it was not stable, like it was detached! Then for some reason, I bent down and HOLY CRAP my heart fell out from a HOLE in my chest! There was a HOLE in my chest, and my heart fell out! But wait, I wasn't shocked or even remotely disturbed...in fact it was normal! Looking around me, I casually picked up my heart and carefully shove it back to my chest. (WTF?) Then I realised I put it upside down, but somehow it rotated by itself back to original position LOL! Then moments later, I felt something move up my throat! Then it went up to my mouth! It was my heart! I was literally holding my heart inside my mouth OH SICK. What could I do??! I can't spit it out it was my heart. I might die! (right now my heart is sort of flat-shaped, that's why it could fit in my mouth). Then I foolishly feared that if I kept it in my mouth like that too long, my heart would melt! But what do I do, SWALLOW it back??! It was so sick, so sick!! Then I put my hands on my chest, and i felt something -- A beat. I think it was my heartbeat! So what, now I had TWO hearts?! WHAT IS THE MINDF***?!!!!!!! The dream ended abruptly.

Why are these sicks images coming back? I had already deterred away from the dark side..

Is this a sign? A message??

Haix. Inside a sick and twisted mind with no love, I guess it's normal.

Yes, you got me.


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