Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pokemon White: Hatching Shiny Snivy

This is BORING.

I have to record down my hunt for shiny Pokemon.

So for the past week or so I've been hunting for shiny pokemon and I'm very impatient. I can't understand how those lucky guys get their shinies only after like 20 eggs (using MM). Is it my luck? Am I that unlucky. No. I'm not unlucky, basically I have NO LUCK. ZERO. What with me being so dark and negative and having so much issue of course I'd expect me to have no luck. Those lucky idiots are people like teenage girls who have an easy life or those dumb idiots who lead normal happy lifes etc etc.

But if I have no luck imma have to force it out. The hard way. I'm using Masuda Method hatching and the MM says 1/1377 chance of hatching a shiny so I am going to force out 1377 dumb critters and if I don't get a shiny then I WILL RAGE.

Knowing which, I probably wouldn't and would have probably wasted a ton of time. Nevertheless I'm going to try WHY because I love the shiny colour sprite. It's just..amazing.

Progress so far? Zero shiny. I've done Axew (110 eggs) and Deino (603 freaking eggs). That's 603 eggs for deino, damn it! Hatching 5 deino eggs already takes 10 minutes so you can imagine how much time I wasted hatching 603. I decided to put on hold this hunt (or should I say quit?) and aim for shiny SNIVY instead. Yea, all the MRT travelling/walking, my sleeping time, etc wasted on holding the dumb DS on my hands ALL for nothing.

But hatching SNIVY is SO much easier. Simply cos' snivy only takes 2.2k steps to hatch which is HALF the no. required for denio/axew so I predict I will get snivy easily. I can feel it!

I've done 100 eggs in now. Nothing shined yet. But as I've said, I'm going try to be patient and hatch until 1377. From youtube vids I've seen shiny snivys appeared only after hundreds of eggs. The longest hunt took 1.6k i think so I'm gonna bank on this one and not quit cos' I'm doing the method right and I have great parents (for good IV & nature). Don't give up!

Hatch for me...

normal Snivy

Shiny Snivy


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