Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Final Post before Enlistment

I'm pissed to say we already got off to a bad start today. Just woke up, and you know what time it is? 1pm. I've already wasted a few hours that I could have utilised properly. Now I've only left 9 hours before 10pm and time is running out. I have quite a lot of stuff to complete today like pack my bag, buy some stuff, cut hair, etc. I don't think I will even have time to lie on my bed and just listen to my music, something that I wanted to do before enlistment. Yes, tomorrow is the D-day. This will be my final post for a good whole 10 days or so before I come out. As I said I'm already physically and mentally preped so I hope everything goes well. Which leads me to...

Just a final update on my physical. Let's just assume that "ST61" carried over to today ok?
Final Stats:
Ht: 174cm
Wt: 61.7kg
BMI: 20.4
BF: ~10.5% (Lower abs still insignificant)
Best 2.4km timing: 11 min 04 secs
Highest no. of pull ups: 8 standard
STB: ?
Shuttle run: ?
Sit up: 42 ++

Overall, I am very satisfied with these numbers. However, I know I can still improve a lot, esp my 2.4km timing, pull ups and STB. That I will try to do in Army. Was thinking of cheating for today, but man, it's just ridiculous and not my style. My mentally has totally changed. I'm not a slave to junk food anymore.

As of now, I'm still waiting for the private moment to compose my song. Right now, it's just not working. If I can't complete by tonight, then just have to wait for the next time then.

Think I will go shave my head later with JK, so I've taken my final "mug shot" of me with hair for remembrance sake. Here it is!

That stupid "helpless-what-have-i-got-myself-into" look


Was in the bus just now thinking of the things I'm gonna miss when I go in. I thought of stuff like American Idol, Burn notice, EPL, World Cup etc haha. Or my music...esp my black metal. But I have the one thing that I will indefinitely bring along with me and that is my Kvlt/Trve theory and that is all I need!

This would probably be a pretty boring place after my hiatus. So I decided to show a side of myself that most of you would never even think of. I am taking a huge risk by doing this as there is every chance that you guys will have a drastic change of impression on me. But hell, this is Lab you're talking about, and if you don't know by now, Lab don't give a shit bout' what other ppl think as long as he's trve to himself, even if it means being Kvlt. (sorry, not gonna do it, yet.)


...Hey I'm back. It's 10.46pm now...I'm past my scheduled sleeping time but heck, I don't care. I've to finish this post. Went to cut botak with JK just now. Now we look like freaking rice bowls haha. Worse than that, I HAD TO FREAKING SHAVE OFF MY LAN JIAO MAO GOATEE...this is where I felt heart pain ar...sian...

The no. 1 cut:

No comments about this cut. No hair, no comments.

Let me just finish what I have to say.

Suddenly when I was outside just now, I felt super emo for the first time in a looooong time. This is the kind of sadness that cannot be cured by anything. And listening to Jay Chou songs just made me feel worse. I will get through this.

Also, I have to post my "List" that I written on Oct whilst mugging for 'A's. Since I've no scanner, here is a word for word copy and pasted version.

After A lvl, Stuff to do/complete...

  1. Learn Drums (Postponed to post army). Cost? Worth it? Which brand etc. Maybe ask Lincoln if his guitar place got teach
  2. Earn $. Apply for food expo? I want IT show. Events? Promoter? Highly unlikely to work F&B or long term. Not enough time.
  3. Money. Financial matters. No.1 priority is new specs (got it). Budget $200. Target date to buy is first week of December. From now to Dec 36 days. 200/36=need save $6 a day. Get a good pair so u dont regret...Get a new mp3 player. Ipod touch? Go army still got use? Worth it? Ask some pros...if buy, its around $500 I think for 32GB? Contacts. (post army)
  4. Fucking corpse paint. Buy all the stuff. Foundation, brush, paint. Research first. Take pic. Visit black metal gig?
  5. Phase 2 of your body restucturing. Phase 1 was the epic "ST65" which you have accomplished. Now phase 2, what will it be called...Target: Build chest, cut to 10% BF, six pack. *Changed to maintain.
2 months. I don't know the future. What will happen in these 2 months? I'd like to know, as I write now, for my future self, on around end of Jan, anywhere, looking at this and smiling. (If I make it alive, that is)
-> How will my relationship with CH and the rest be like? Honestly? Better.
-> Forbidden
-> Did I really attain nice pecs and abs? half half
-> Any soccer glory? not really, +ve is nvr lost touch.
-> Any new friends? Love? Hate? Yes&No.
*-> WILL I STILL BE LISTENING TO BLACK? IS IT STILL DEFINING ME? (Kvlt/Trve theory-23/11/09) (Ingrained in my blood, babey)
-> Any past people I'll meet, and befriend? Surprises? Hmm, no?
-> Will I tio a huge injury? YES. Fuck...
-> Will I even go further, more extreme? Cut myself? Piercing?
-> Will any life changing event happen to me, and change my way of thinking, and stop me listening to metal? Heng. Nope.
-> Get into a fight? Nope.
-> Will anyone I know die? Nope.
-> Will I get into trouble with the law? Nope.
-> Feelings about A lvl? Army? (All I fear is loss of freedom, nothing else)

Frankly if after 2 months, or any amt of time, for that matter, as long as * holds true, nothing else matters (pun Metallica).

That's basically it. Call it a checklist, if you will.

Next, let's move on to my song! Good news and bad news. Good news is, I've uploaded it on youtube and it's ready for viewing. Bad news though, is that its only the intro riff. However, let this be just a sneak preview for better things to come, ya?

Hope you enjoy!

Basically, I have posted all that I wanted before I go in. *Ps. Just found out I left out swimming goggles. This is what last min work does to you, kids. I'm pretty much screwed now, I don't know where to get them. Heck. I don't care, act blur live longer lor...

My final words? Emm...yea, I've trained a lot of this, prep and ready to go, let's see...mixed emotions man, keeping kvlt and trve will be my key to survival...ya...guess this is my final transition from a GINA (Small kid) to MAN! GINA to MAN! I'll see you when I book out!

Into battle, we ride with Gods by our side
We're strong, and not afraid to die
We have a lust to kill
And our thirst for blood to be fulfilled
We fight till' the end!
And send our enemies straight to HELL!
-"Into Battle" by Ensiferum


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