Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Untitled Post

I am experiencing a spectrum of contrasting emotions now. Just so many things are unfolding so quickly that I've not been able to catch a breather to slow things down. I guess it's just normal since I've accomplished so much in these two months. Just less than 40 hours and will be going to Tekong. The reality had just seeped into my central system and I must say I'm kinda of taken aback. Stay Kvlt and Trve Lab, that's all you need. Always remember Death's lyrics:

"I will not feed your hunger,
Looking not back but forward,

These few days were just spent doing last minute shopping for Army stuff, spending precious time with friends, hogging the laptop to enjoy as much as possible, song writing, training fitness, etc. Completed my 4th 6.3km reservoir run this morning, with CH and JK this time. Ya, I'm such a freaking Miss fickle-minded. If you read my previous posts about running long-D, you'd understand. One thing that never fails to intrigue me is how the hell can a overweight person with 21% body fat run so fast? What's the freaking logic behind this? Yes, CH I'm talking bout' you.

Looking ahead and positively, there's STILL at least 20 hours for me to use properly. Seeing that my first song AT LEAST had some, even if just a meager amount of recognition, I am quite motivated to post another song. I've been thinking, which song from my repertoire should I publitize* next? Should it be another slow emo song? But I'll be seen as a one trick pony! Should I showcase the fast and happy one? But the guitar riff can only be hummed out!?

*Publicize + Advertize = Publitize

Somehow, I have a bad feeling the next song I post will garner disappointing results. Maybe I just too ignorant to the fact that I'm not as good a composer as I think I am? Pride can be a really annoying factor, really. But after much pondering, I just came to the realisation than as long as I keep on supplying good material and keeping faith in my abilities, in the long run I will succeed. Too ambitious maybe? At least I would have kept trve to myself and not regretted. That's the most important thing.

So after much consideration, I've decided to present another slow emo song. That's all I can say now, cos' I've not even completed the song melody, much less the lyrics and structure. Can I do it in this limited amount of time? Don't really know. Less talk, more action, better start soon.

...Six hours later.

Just finished watching "Army Daze" which I stumbled across on youtube. Damn funny haha! This particular part is seriously LMAO (From 6.13 to 6.35)

"...And the he was trying to make me C** (hand movement) ...I mean come out of the basket!!!" WTF haha..

And folks, as I posted, there's just too many stuff happening that is smoke screening me from coming up with a proper title for today's post. Think of one and it seems inappropriate. Think of another but it just don't sum up my day properly. So for the first time in a long time, I'm out of ideas. Hence this post is aptly titled, "The untitled post". =/

Tml's gonna be a long day!

WOTD: Ambivalent


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