Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Precious Bookouts!!!

This weekend's book out is really short, I was out ytd night and have to go in later again. Yes, it sucks, but since I can't fight the law, why not just abide by it and better yet, make full use of the short and precious time?

Ok, so this week was quite packed with A LOT of physical activities. (Seems like I'm redoing my weekly reflections for my army elearning blog =/) Been doing lots of runs, SOC, PT, stuff like that. And there was the rifle proficiency test too. Quite shack, cos' of the lack of sleep but still can take it. But F*** I kena bad cases of muscle pull and aches all over my legs which is really very demoralising. The worst is I'm having the actual IPPT on tues so by hook or by crook I have to find a way to heal the pain before that.

Overcame ONE of my three greatest fears in BMTC; the Jacob's ladder. Wow. True as they said, it was really quite scary at first. Particularly when you're at the top and trying to step over. But I learnt the trick was just to cheong and don't stop cos' the momentum will keep you steady and make it easier to walk down. However, it really proved to be the worst station for some, as more casualties started to pile on that station. I saw with my own eyes one of my bunkmates hit his shin when coming down as he was too kan cheong and had to go MO.

Oh ya, yours truly freaking gained weight again this week. NOW I know why people can turn fatter when they go BMT! The food portions is so big, and you eat like 3 meals per day. WTF. I think we consume like 3000 kcals per day lor. That's twice of my normal caloric intake. And even the tough training and hectic schedule doesn't burn enough calories to accustom to the calorie intake. Srsly it's freaking retarded la. I hate dis. Go army gain weight. Next week I'm gonna attempt to eat less than usual, meaning less "jia fan" (add rice), less sweet drinks, etc. If not I'll gonna go to 70kg before I know it.

And also, just want to say that my bunk got some wierd wierd stuff. Does Tekong's reputation precede itself? I would have to say no. I kinda believe there are some stuff there, maybe? I don't really noe. Just some examples, I said before my buddy's cupboard occasionally produces solid and forceful rumbling noises inside. We all thought it's the wind. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, I was rushing to bunk to get stuff for washup when suddenly the commander ordered a heads out. As most of my section mates weren't up yet, only a few of us were there. Most rushed out immediately. I was still locking my cupboard, when suddenly for apparently no reason at all, my buddy's cupboard, which was just like 2 metres infront of me, internally shook and produced that freaking rumbling sound again! This time I really chua tio and worst I was the last guy in the bunk so I sprinted my ass out, even forgetting to bring my BSB with me. What the shit happened? I don't know. Another wierd incident happened to one of my section mates. Everytime when we returned to bunk, his cupboard lock would have been unlocked, even when he swore he locked it and checked thoroughly before. And this happened three times, all in the same day! Like wtf? And I think this happened to my cupboard once also. So begs the question, did we really forget to lock our cupboards, (which we were surely we did) or did something else unlock it for us? FYI, the tricky lock combi could only be known by ourselves, so nobody else would have been able to unlock it.

But heck it la. Doesn't really bother us, I mean there's worst things for now in BMT to be concerned about so, just take it as part and parcel of army life lor.


My song! My song! 90% complete, but still, there's people in the house, so I can't record it. Damn it really wanted to showcase it but...ARGH.


Gotta book in tonight, left a few hours, so must end soon. I've overcome the emoness le, and now I'm contented. Look at things positively, in BMT, they let you eat, sleep, train you, shelter you, provide medical coverage ALL FREE. And better yet they PAY $420 monthly to do this stuff. And the many experiences you'll gain. It's like a free character shaping up course or something la!

For all you people feeling EMO out there, let me share a few songs to empatize with you and make you feel better. Throughout the years, these have been my "BIG FOUR" of English Emo songs. Must listen to all four at one go then shiok...

1) "Here Without You" by Three Doors Down

2) "The Reason" by Hoobastank

3) "What Hurts The Most" by Rascal Flatts

4) "How To Save A Life" by The Fray

I think I seriously got a very very good coy. Cougar company. One of the most respected and accomplished coy in BMTC. We were priviledged enough to have a superb and charismatic OC and also the BEST BMTC Field Instructor. Who is he? Singapore's ONLY professional boxer Mohd Nor Rizan. Google him! Still can't believe we have such a Zai FI. It's kinda of surreal to speak to him face to face and know that he has gone through all these professional matches and stuff. Wah seh, his body damn fit and lean la. The whole company always call him, "World Champ"! Other recruits greet their instructor, "Good morning FI", but for Cougar, it's "Good morning WORLD CHAMP"!

...I shall take my leave now, guys. Gonna be another tough week, but looking forward to Friday Bookout!

-Mohd Nor Rizan


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