Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, February 15, 2010

March Forth

Thanks for all the encouragement guys. It's things like these that really spur you to push on even harder. Today was from one perspective, another wasted day. But, really if I look at it from another angle, I guess a day spent doing nothing and without plans is essential to keep my life unpredictable and lively (in a way) as opposed to a life that is constantly planned and rigid. Sometimes, we should just let nature take is course, so to speak.

This Tiger year is definitely not for me man. So far I've been losing quite a large chunk of money due to the festive gambling. Come on, what did I expect? The Horse is a natural prey to the Tiger, so, it's only normal this year's CNY sucks for me, ha.

To uplift my mood, I've decided to bring out some super catchy riffs into my blog. Sometimes, a riff can be so powerful and melodic that it just makes you feel good man! So without further ado, let me intro you guys my top 6 favourite riffs! (As of now)

Lab's Top 6 Favourite Riffs

1) "Alone" by Goatmoon

(0:16 to 0:43)
I like this riff man! It's my most recent hoot also! It has everything lor...super catchy, clear, energetic, spontaneous yet exudes out such a naughty and punky feeling. Not the typical black metal riff, actually leaning more to the viking style. Not doubt, one of the most catchy ones I've heard from my 4 years of metal-listening.

2) "Fear of the Dark" by Iron Maiden

(0:00 to 0:52)
This one instantly springs to mind. It's one of maiden's all time classics. I have absolutely no idea how these geniuses can come up with such a catchy and yet mesmerizing riff. Imagine you're like sitting on the edge of a small pond at night, with the glistening water surrounding your feet, and you're looking up into the beautiful night sky with the moon shining brightly at you. That's just what the riff sounds and feels like. That's the image it portrays. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

3) "Intro/Deathripper" by Munipal Waste

(0:00 to 0:44)
I think the band is only famous because of this single riff, seriously. Just this riff. The rest of the song ain't even worth listening to, no matter how much I try. But that said, this riff is really damn catchy. DAMN catchy. It's the type that once you hear to the first time, you jaw drops and you'd think, "What the holy smokes is this riff for real?!".

4) "Stand Ablaze" by In Flames

(3:01 to end)
Basically, two great riffs in this one. You have to wait for almost 3/4 of the song before they begin, but trust me, Damn sure worth the wait. In flames has so much brilliant and colourful riffs, but these two tops the lot. The first riff, when I heard for the first time, just sounds so pleasing and familiar, as if It was the prototype "Melodic/Catchy" riff. Following it is a more brutal yet equally appealling one. *Eargasm alert*!

5) "Transilvanian Hunger" by Darkthrone

(0:00 to 0:28 and repeated throughout the song)
Just a four note riff repeated twice and you get possibly the most famous black metal riff (besides freezing moon) ever. This riff by Darkthrone is so famous, only hearing it can it's greatness be justified. It's the epitome of something being so simple yet feeling so complex and out-of-this-world. There are some things in this world that cannot be explained adequately be mere human language, and this riff is a perfect example of that. You just FEEL, FEEL the riff. FEEL the emotion.

6) "Dies Irae" by Bathory

(2:22 to 3:38)
OH MY GOD. This song has been raping my eardrums for the past few days! What makes this riff so great is that it's so simple (just 3 notes) and yet so heavy and brutal! Also, the fact that it acts as a transition for what is initially a crazy demolition just adds on the brilliance of this riff. However, strictly speaking it is not very mainstream so most people won't get it unless you're really into the song.

So right now, these are the outstanding ones that automatically loops in my brain. Just listening through them while typing this post makes me feel much better already.

*Oh ya, must remind myself. I am in the midst of finishing TWO new songs. Lyrics are partially done, most of them during my travelling time today(must maximise time). One is the fast song, the other is a slow emo chinese number which I have high hopes for. If possible I'll try to upload by tomorrow, if not then as soon as possible. Things like these cannot be rushed!

I must treasure tonight! Last night in my comfortable bed before resuming service at you-know-where! Hence, I think it's time to go!

QOTD: As long as you don't mind, it don't matter.


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