Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Album Review: The Era

Since I can't do nothing now, I will just use this time to review Jay Chou's newest album, The Era.! It has been a long wait, ard 2 years, so the album was freaking anticipated I guess. Omg man...it's damn good! Just bought the album this morning, and I'm listening to it now. The sound quality is wayyy clearer than those found in Youtube. I can easily say this album is his best "Post-Film making" one, owning "Still Fantasy", "On the Run" and "Capricorn" all at once.

1. 跨時代
This song is ok, one of those techno-ish songs. Very very similar to 龍戰騎士, with super infectious "Riffs" and hooks. Chorus is good, and the added autotune effect is wierd but cool. Not my type of music, but very good song for it's kind. Somehow Jay always manages to create cool energetic fantasy songs like this.

Honestly, this is my first reaction for this song. "What de...no melody, ok, passable. *Hopes
the other emo song will be much better." Yea. It was seriously nothing special at first. Now, I'm at around 50 plays, and my opinion now is different. It's growing on me. Very sad song, if you compare to 說好的幸福呢, this one is much more mature and sad. There is a good bridge, though I don't really dig the frantic drumming, it's kinda turn off. But overall, I think I should give this time. Not totally convinced it will be a classic 10 years down, cos' songs like 最長的電影 still stand out more for me.

A brand new Zhong Guo Feng song, his third hit. Has a very nice build up to chorus, but right now, the chorus is just normal to me. Nothing special. I don't know. Maybe his other songs are overshadowing this one. Then again, I've not been a huge fan of his Zhong Guo Feng songs.

"Eh Boss". Lol...this is another one of his Happy songs, in the mould of 牛仔很忙 and 魔術先生. I freaking love the part where the drums kick in. IT SUPER CATCHY. This, Ladies and Gentlemen, it where Jay Chou stands out from all other artists. He is so good at tempo and making things sound nice, and he knows it. The guitar solo is cool. The whole atmosphere is very upbeat, esp due to the drums again, I must say. Funny chorus, lots of cool parts but all seem to compliment each other perfectly. The Final high pitch at the end is damn sweet.

Another Jay Chou masterpiece man. Old fans would familiarize this with his sweet songs like 她的睫毛 and 簡單愛. HOW can he create such nice tunes all the time?!! I don't know why he put the Hokkien lyrics, but as long as I sounds ok, then no problem. The chorus is fast and cheerful. This is something only a master of music can create, definitely no amateur stuff.

This, to me, is the epitome of the album. And it's funny, cos' this is actually a Zhong Guo Feng song. And normally songs like these just pass off as fillers, except for FRX. I've said alot of times, this song is the ultimate bedtime song. It makes me high...it's one of those rare moments where I don't have to listen to Metal to get that spiritually high feeling. Don't know what I'm saying? Nevermind. The CHORUS is so so so inducing and slow and sort of sleazy and sexy... The special thing abt this song is that the verses are sang in two diff styles, first part his normal voice, then the latter in the typical ZGF voice. I only have positives for this brilliant, beautiful masterpiece. Only a few listens and it has overtaken FRX as my no. one Zhong Guo Feng song. I LOVE IT...I tell you, this song, 10 years down will become an all time classic, marks my words!

I'm currently playing this, and it's only my second listen. *waits for song to go to chorus.* Erm, someone mentioned it was like some American Rap/Hip hop/Dance song, which I agree with. This song was meant for the clubs. Can't imagine the MV for dis, sure lots of LIAO de. Yes, its a filler, but a strong one, if you compare to crap like 扯 and 蛇舞.

Super intro riff, but doesn't really fit the song. Hmm...I only realise this was his second emo hit after a few listens. Damn...I was hoping for another Epic-ish one but...anyway, this song is like 斷了的弦. Solid build up, then...kind of anti climax. But as always, after repeated listens, this song is srsly quite nice. The title is too long for my liking; I'm perplexed as to why he'd come up with a phrase for a song name =.=. This song is still for the verdict.

I like this!. He does it again! Fking nice jamming beat...just like Sleeping Child etc. I really dig Jamming beats. Very similar to 陽光宅男 and 時光機, being the energetic and south-western types. The more I listen, to more I like it. I don't need to say bout' the chorus, first time I heard I was taken away. Ahhhhhhh....one of the better songs of the album.

My absolute FAVOURITE song from this album. It's really strange, this album. My faves aren't the emo songs, but those of other types. That said, this song is SUPER FREESTYLE. ONE OF MY FAVE TRAITS BOUT HIM IS HIS ABILITY TO COME UP WITH FREESTYLES! If you don't get what I mean by freestyle, go hear 亂舞春秋 and 以父之名. This is the one song that reminds me most of the OLD JAY. The Original Jay. This is a number that could have easily fitted into past albums like Fantasy or Eight Dimensions. It has Jay Chou written ALL OVER it. Fking nice. It's like a sequel to 對不起, only much much nicer. Damn!!! This song alone is worth all the wait, and all the money! Who says he has lost it? This will be on repeat 24/7 from now on.

His first single of the album. I've reviewed this song before. I'm really glad this wasn't the best song in it, after hearing all of the album. However, this is still Classic Jay, Rapping + Singing. The lyrics in this is a MUST-READ, it will make the listening experience so much better. These lyrics does it for me, "
不要問我哭過了沒, 因為超人不能流眼淚...".

All in all, this album is truly great. The most important is the fact that he has put in a lot of sincerity and effort, rather than half fucks which has been previous albums. Will it stand the test of time? We will see.


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