Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Sleddog Mentality

That is what I have to pysch myself for. I am going back to camp soon, and this week has finally started. This is EX-MLM week, the most significant and needless to say, hellish part of the whole MP course. Lucky we were given a extended book out, and I managed to slowly change my mindset and focus for MLM during this time. I even went to youtube US Navy Seals' "Hell Week" to motivate myself. All I can do is follow orders like a Sleddog and slug it out. Don't think of anything else. Time will pass, no doubt bout' that. No matter how hard it is, just remember there are others who have it much tougher, and not to mention all the past batches who have endured through also. Remember, I'm just a Sleddog, an engine. It will be painful. But I will recover! It's only 5 days, just slowly take it day by day, take it all into your stride and push on. That's all that I can do! This is possibly the last Field Camp for a very long time. Just adapt to it.

What could possibly be the worst? The most you can do is take a few years off my lifespan.

Come on, bring it on, I am ready.

I will not emo over this kind of retarded shit anymore.

I will make it thru' next week, probably book out on Sat night. Then the next post, you shall see, would be filled with very interesting stuff. I can't wait for next week's post!

QOTD: 不要問我哭過了沒, 因為超人不能流眼淚...


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