Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, May 28, 2010


Haha, this was exactly what my friend said in the midst of our speed training last week. And to think that life was gonna be slack after MLM. NO WAY man! All the physical trainings in MP are damn shack de, trust me. But their quite fun also, in a sense tt its not mundane stuff like non-stop running, but more like obstacles, relays, etc.

This week thoroughly drained me of my energy, but I've lost quite some weight as well. Yep, if you remembered last week I was screaming my ass off cos' of my incredible weight gain, but due to this week of intensive training, plus eating less, I've managed to lose back to 65kg.

In the week I did like, strength training, 3k night run, gym, endurance training, soccer, speed training. How to not lose weight?! My body is damn beaten up now...but recovering.

The week after next is IPPT, so really have to lose more weight to produce better results. Aiming for Gold!.

Hai, MP life is still very lax now...going to POP soon also. Time to think bout' my future. Every thing's happening so quickly...

Now only left P226 live firing, which is gonna happen next week. Hope it will be a good experience, and as always, pray tt NO accidents happen. Also got EX-CONFIDENCE, the tear gas thingy which I'm pretty worried bout', heard all the weird things that can happen zzz. Just have to take it like a man.

Looking forward to getting the No. 3 uniform and wearing it! I want to pass out on June 22 with my section mates as a Full-fledged Military Policeman! I haven't come so far for nothing!

QOTD: Everytime you feel like quitting, ask yourself, why did you come so far?


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