Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Regrets and Revelations

I'd like to say everything went well this week but it really didn't. This past week was DAMN LOONG and passed extremely slowly. I just want to blog about two things. One, the happenings of the past week, and two, the revelation that I discovered.

As I said, it was a super long week. I obviously wasn't prepared for it, as I didn't update myself with the schedule properly. Most of the week was spent outfield and in SBO...doing all the conventional stuff like navigation and wartime ops. Every minute was dreadful man. This was definitely one of the more shack weeks I experienced in Army. It feels like post Field Camp all over again. I'm now in the same situation, why? Cos next week ain't gonna get any easier! In fact it's gonna be much much tougher. Next week is gonna be Field Camp week, or more specifically EX-MLM. Everyone is warning us to be mentally and physically prep for this, as it will be the worst experience in MP course, being the highest key event. It's gonna be like BMT FC all over again...I'm just pushing my body now for more SLEEP so as to fine tune it for next week. As always, I don't want to fall out and miss this then OOC. ENDURE!!!

But it wasn't that dark and gloomy these past few days. Navigation, after looking back, was quite fun actually as we went around exploring all the fun new places and stuff. Although it has made walking seem so darn punishing, it must be said. I've never panted so much by walking, during some parts of the exercise, I felt it was as if I was running man. What else, let me think. Yea, we had damn long admin time everynight as all the shack events we finished by late afternoon latest. I used this time to facilitate myself with more of the available resources down there such as the jogging area, GYM, pool table, comp, TV, etc. Still enjoying life, haha. One of the nights, we even had a movie screening (AGAIN) and were allowed to order PIZZA and MACs to camp. SONG BO! So our section became the impromptu duty section for ORDERING FOOD, as the WELFARE IC was in our section, lol. Damn and the orders were rampant! All of it total up to around $200 bucks worth of fast food. After settling all the orders for other section, we started our "Food Party". Pizza, Macs, just pia only. Wooo shiok la.

Which leads me to something.


Wad the fk! LA! I was stunned man when I saw my weight on the scale. It was not just the pizza, it was all the snacks that I cheonged, and all the sweet drinks and not to mention the heavy meals I had in the cookhouse. Eat eat eat then BOOM 2kg increase. 66KG NOW THE FKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!


Believe me when I say this, I will go back to 64kg by book in. It will take sacrifice, but I have to do it.

Ok, so the first part of the blog is done. Now for the next thing I want to talk about.

I'm going to make this as subtle as possible.

If there is really a GOD out there, this was the time it revealed itself to me. And what I saw was not it's holy flawless face, but it's dirty, brutal rear. Simply put, I discovered something this week, due to one of my section mates, that is to me, revelating.When I found out this new information about this person, I flinched. Thousands of questions and "what ifs" poured into my brain in an instant. The more I found out about this person, the most I seemed to hit me. Hit me with a emotion called sadness. Endless questions that I will never have solutions to. But I don't believe all they say. I trust myself to know better. Still, its pretty damn sad. It was a situation that goes way back, and something I've believe to have gotten rid of. But no. I still....

QOTD: I am LITERALLY trying to imitate SGT CHIA.

***Oh ya, seems like I have become the "Boots polishing master" in my company?! Is that too far fetched?! But I can't be complacent. Although my boots are damn shiny now, I noe a huge list of ppl who want to overtake me, starting from my section ppl, haha. I must hit the SHINY MIRROR THAT SHOWS YOUR TEETH~


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