Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, June 6, 2011

Full Battle Order

Damn, I wanted to go FBO today for CPFA (with my running gear) but just like always, when I'm prepared for something, the outcome is not what I expect. Because it rained. And so my chance to do 9K was cancelled.

So it was pretty much a wasted afternoon. Went scrambling for afternoon off, then left camp as soon as I could.

However with my spare time at home I managed to squeeze in a short 7K run in the evening. Actually I just came back. Well, so far so good, I can more or less do 7-9K without any problems of ITBS at jogging pace. I cannot confirm if I am good also at race pace, and I must say, I'm really scared to go a race pace. Somehow I am satisfied just to be running already, and right now I really don't want to push my limit and injure my leg again. I am still doing this midfoot/forefoot strike, but I must say, starting out is really difficult. First, it takes a toll on my calves, especially my right one because they are not seasoned enough for this running style. My left calf is ok, maybe it's stronger. The right calf muscle is really tight and sore though. I dare not run for the next few days, don't want to get it inflamed. The ITB strap is working ok, I don't really know if it helps but I can definitely feel a good compression, more effective that compression tights and more concentrated. Well, just wear it as a fancy accessory now.

Gotta stay in for SAF day rehearsal tonight, sad.

But it feels good to be running consistently again!


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