Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kvlt/Trve: The Revival?

Am I back for good?

First n foremost, I was on a hiatus for so long because I lost it. No more motivation to blog. My life has become dull and boring. (Yea, it was never that interesting anyway) If you saw my last post, "Lab goes to jail", you would know.

I was reading my previous entries and I decided that I couldn't just throw away this blog after spending so much time building it. Sure, there's not much readers but there are a lot of experiences inside which makes me realise the importance of keeping record of your life.

It's been what, 3 whole months since I posted. A lot of changes happened. The most obvious one would be the SOL episode (tt's where I went to 'jail') for bringing camera phone. Lesser said the better. What about the 360 degree change in my character in Istana? Or my ITB injury, which is still recovering (on physio now). Due to this, I have totally put away my races, INCLUDING 100K SUNDOWN ULTRA until my knee heals. I am going back to races soon, though. During this period I have also tried to bulk up to little success. But I hope there are changes, however subtle. Also I have tried out more daring stuff with my Istana platoon mates.

One thing that really started was the fact I started praying. To whom, I don't know. I would say it's my inner voice. But at least, it keeps me sane and I know I have something to rely on. At the same time I tried quitting Black Metal. It has worked relatively well, but I really do not know if it's best for me. Seems like without rage and depression, I have become a shell of myself lately. I have become worse, much worse especially if you ask my platoon mate.

Istana life is really shitty now, and might get worse when the mount-standby new system commences next month. I am already so called a lao jiao now but realistically there's still a long way. The next big event for me is doing MPIA for NDP. Get over that and we can start the ORD celebrations. Just 6 months...

Took n passed BTT also, now looking towards FTT and practical. But where to find the money?

There are lots more stuff to say, but right now, the priority is



Thank you.

*Btw I just had to post this*-- one year ago I said that "烟花易冷" was just average and 'nothing special'. Well by the magic of Jay Chou, I have totally fell in love with this masterpiece after realising it's inner beauty beneath the "normal chorus". It is one of my favourite and most repeated tracks right now...


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