I should be back to joining races soon if my ITB has really healed. The rehab seems to be working, but I haven't really run at a competitive level yet so I can't accurately gauge if I'm 100%. It's better to progress slowly though. Anyway the aim is to make it for AHM and Stan Chart...
Wtf is happening to the platoon nowadays...why so much pressure and unnecessary conflicts.. I guess with SAF Day and NDP coming, and two unhappy specs, the pressure is building up on everyone. The honeymoon days are indeed over. The worst thing is that I fear this guy may become somebody I hate...he is being a damn nuisance to the platoon..
Speaking of which I have to book in tonight for duty, then Sun to Tue consecutive...Ah can you feel the heat. (Literally I can)
Saving up for the targeted $5000 balance when I ORD is going well, with just short of $4K now (including gov $700). At this rate I might even reach $6K! I have become quite fond of saving up since my SOL days; watching my bank balance grow month after month is quite shiok. Best thing is that even though I have the extra $700, I don't have the mentality to want to splurge on stuff. In fact, it has made me want to save up even more.
Haix whatever time to go.
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