Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, May 30, 2011

A trail of sweat

Well, good and bad news. I managed to complete 8.4k today non-stop. Good news is I could go the distance, bad news is the pressure was still there and the pain was threatening to flare up as the distance increased. As if every kilometre the pressure was going up a notch until a certain point where it would just explode. I don't know, this might be normal. I am slowly recovering I hope. From the start where I could only do 2K. Now at least I'm doing 8K. But I am sure running really slowly. I also tried adapting to forefoot running. It is tough the change my running style as I have to focus and keep reminding myself to land forefoot but I think it's better than heel strike. My calf muscles are killing my now but it's normal since I've never ran this way before.

Really hope I can do 42K end of this year. I just have to take it easy, tone down on the running frequency and learn from my mistakes last year, which is over training and heel striking. Today was a positive result. Let me recover, and hopefully Friday I will try another 8K and see if there's improvement. I hope that I'm on the right track to recovery, and really really pray I don't hit a wall or that my ITB forbids me to clock long mileage ever again. Fingers crossed.

Today is what, day 10 of Ops LabMONSTER? I've been taking in whey, albeit inconsistently. But I guess I shouldn't go overboard if I'm not training everyday. Just take on training days and I'll be fine.

This week's gonna be a tough week ahead. I wanna blog now that I want it to be tough. I want this week to train my mental and physical strength. I want to come out, enjoy the Friday and Saturday knowing the worst for the month is over. Weird.

Will be staying in till' Friday I guess. Hope I get through without any shit happening.


Countdown to ORD: 6 months..


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