Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER Day 3

The progress is slow and the training is tough but I just have to press on and not give up like before...

Spent most of the day outside (Istana gathering) so not much was done. My body definitely felt like resting at home. I guess I was so tired I even fell asleep during the movie! Twice. Nah. It's not me. The movie's too boring anyway. Shoulders still hurting. And felt the burning sensation in my thighs and quads while I was on my way home. Two hours sitting in a movie theatre WILL contract your muscles and trust me, it hurts afterwards.

Diet is ok, another standard day. Except I cheated a bit with the Pokka cloudy apple drink. Bluffed myself that I was drinking it out of thirst and necessity, when actually in the first place I should've brought my own waterbottle, if I was commited enough. My bad.

Today's intention is just to rest, and maybe hit my biceps a bit. I will do chest/arms tomorrow (yes MUST GO GYM TML) so will keep it light and easy today. I hope I'm not pushing myself too hard, to soon.

Anyway too tired to type. Will be posting daily for recording purposes and motivation, at least till' my 10 days are over.

Diet today.
breakfast- 30g whey =25g
brunch- soya bean drink=7g
             PEK KIO chicken breast rice+meat+tau kwa=56g
             cloudy apple juice=0.5g
dinner- yong tau foo soup(no noodle)
            prawn ball/crab ball x2=6g
            1x tau kwa=10g
            1x tau pok=3
            1x goh hiong(prawn)=2
            1x fish cake=3
night snack- 100g cornflakes=8.2g
                    250ml chocomalt milk=11g
pre/post workout drink- 30g whey=25g
Total protein intake=156.7g

Good. Still hitting the mark. Might be inaccurate in some food items, so total intake might vary +/- 10g. So better more than less. Bye.


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