Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Proj. LabMONSTER(in progress) Day 2

Ok, we are done with the second day of our training. The diet has been quite strict, with heavy emphasis on protein. I've tried my best to make sure I really get the protein this time.

Well I said yesterday the breakfast for family day might screw with my plans, but luckily it was only 1x sausage mcmuffin. I still hated the idea of consuming fast food especially Macs during my training days but it's ok, one sausage mcmuffin is nothing.

Result of yesterday's training? Whole back was aching. Which is strange! It should be my arms and chest but it was my back instead. This simply means I used too much of my back for the workouts. Got to get much much stronger man...

Today's workout:
I wanted to concentrate on compound, full body workouts today, or at least that was what I hoped for. I'm still a n00b at weightlifting. =( No arms training today. So I did three important but moderately difficult workouts today. Deadlift, squats, and standing military barbell press. I've to admit it's the first time I'm doing such 'advanced' stuff but I figured if I want to be serious about making a change, I must do them. Perfect form and posture AND breathing is crucial for weight lifting, especially so for these compound exercises. So I tired my best to do my research, watch the instructional videos to learn correct form. I think I did quite well. But having a big mirror in my room would help so much. Added some wide arm push-ups too (for chest) and crunches+flutter kicks (for abs). Overall quite satisfied with today, with the fact I'm doing everything at home AND using self-made weights.

Now the diet.

Ate quite a variety today I guess, let's see:
Breakfast- 250ml milk+30g whey =35g
                 1x sausage mcmuffin-14g
Lunch- young tau foo.
            2x egg whites, 1x whole egg= 12g
            1 slice fish= 5g
            1 tofu= 5g
            1x hotdog- 5g
snack- 1 cup yogurt=7.5g
pre/mid/post workout- 30g whey = 25g
dinner- 1x can tuna chunks in broth =25g
            chicken breast rice+add meat= 25g+4.2g=29.2
Total protein intake=162.7g

YES. Over the 150g mark by 12.7g. Great improvement from yesterday. The choice of food is not bad and sustainable. Cheap too. But would have liked to remove the sausage mcmuffin. Oh well.

Day 2 is over.

I'm building momentum, let's go!


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