Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Wow...r u serious, it's day seven already?? 7 days already passed? Felt like only 4.

I tired to wake up at 6am again but as usual, the sleepiness is unbearable. But I did get my ass up around 7 though, which is way better than last time. I remembered COURAGE WOLF "I AM TOO TIRED TODAY IS WHAT A FAGGOT WOULD SAY".

Change of venue today, went to JE clubfitt instead. Reached around 0815 and surprisingly I was the first few! Well later then I realised opening hours for thur was 0830. Wow imagine if I had gone at 7am I would have been waiting like n00b. So took the opportunity and went straight for the barbell bench press. However my body and mind was shack as hell. It is absurd to wake up so damn early, and hit some weights only like 1h30mins after you wake up. Blood hasn't even flow to your brain yet! I can only blame myself for my screwed up biological clock.

Generally did chest/lats/biceps today. I really want to start with the deadlifts and squats now but damn, it's too embarrassing. A skinny nerd with tiny arms trying to do advanced "bodybuilder" lifts? People will laugh.

So I guess I am quite desperate for a spotter/gym companion now. I need to go much heavier but I need a spotter especially for something like bench press. I dare not do heavy weights on that without a spotter. If I can't handle the weight, there might be some serious injury and loads of stares (happened to me before). A spotter is so important...and both will train much more efficiently.

*Edit/add in -- Oh, forgot to mention, I did some cardio too, on the elliptical machine. Didn't do much but it's better to get these in since I can't run for now*

Diet today was BOOOOOORING. Ate the same old foods and I'm getting sick of it. I have been craving for STEAK since yesterday. And I wanted to eat it today but $$$ problem again. $11 for a steak meal is not worth it and not feasible for the long run. That is why I was ranting about this issue yesterday. The damn meat shouldn't be a problem! Oh another thing, I actually lost weight which is not good (or maybe it is, I don't know for sure). Ahhhhhhh, stressing over food, I'm sad.

Here we go again: (adding calories this time)
breakfast- banana x1=105/1g
pre/post workout- 30g whey+250g skimmed milk=195/34.8g
lunch- chicken breast rice+meal=500/30g
          soya bean milk (388ml)=267/14g
snack- isojoy soya dessert=131/5.9g
dinner- chicken breast+egg(2?)+rice=600/42g
snack- 250g skimmed milk=75/9.8g
           2 packets munchys lexus peanut butter=98.5/2.6g
before sleep- 30g whey=25g
Total Calories=1971.5kcal
Total protein intake=165.1g

When I think of tomorrow's food I'm getting demoralised already. Chicken again??! Because I have to use up my remaining 400g of breast I bought before they expire. Oh man, I'm so craving for steak, just give me some BBQ steak already. Tired.




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