Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Two more days..to the end of 10 days challenge, and book in day =S. LOL but it'll be my last week of being a dumb NSF YEA =D

No gym today. But read about nutrition alot. I figured I'm really not taking enough food that's why progress is slow. For my weight I need 2300 kcal to maintain and 2744 to build muscle. That's really hard to hit. Hard because to eat clean and hit this number. If not everyone would be looking ripped. That's the toughest and most crucial part of have a good physique - nutrition. Like 40% training 60% nutrition.

Still can't hit even 2700 clean today...it's really quite hard for me now. Ever since my weight loss I believe my appetite has shrunk a lot. Another thing is, I keep thinking I'm too heavy for my stature. I've notice people say that too. Now I begin to wonder, it is because of my legs? I must be cos' I have larger than average legs (due to soccer) and probably heavy ass bones too. Because my body can be thinner than other's my weight and even those 60-65kg people. And from 65-68 my 'shape' hasn't changed at all; I still look the same with my usual clothes. Although the gain around my waist is quite significant (29-31). But the fact is, most of the extra weight is probably on my legs. If I had say, normal sized legs then maybe I'd drop a pound or two. So conclusion is I can't compare my weight with others because that's what I always try to do. Somebody who is 65kg compared to me 68kg might not have much difference but it's in the legs. So I can say I have a '65kg' body if we put it that way. That means my big fear of stepping over 70kg might not be justified at all. Maybe I NEED to step over 70 to finally see the big arms I desire.

Anyway been troubling over how to get bigger yet lower your body fat %. And the rule is simpler than I thought. Normally it's 40/40/20, but if I want bigger muscles and lower fat % I'd need to adjust the ratio to something like 30/60/10. I.e, increase protein intake, lower carbs, lower fat. Obviously this is not enough I  because we still need to take cardio into account, but that is not a problem for me and cardio isn't the top of my worries now.

As the days go by, we'll try to improve step by step.

Oh and yes, nutrition wise I'm counting everything now - fats, kcal, carbs and protein. It's troublesome as hell but it's a necessity for my goals and besides, keeping track of stuff keeps me motivated and shows progression.

Meal 1 (kcal/protein/carbs/total fats)
30g whey= 120/25/2/1
1x banana= 105/1/27/0.4

Meal 2
1x chicken breast (200g)= 162/30.07/5.85/2.62
whole egg x2= 147/12/0.8/10
egg whites x2= 68/6/0/0.2

Meal 3
1x yakult (100g)= 75/1.3/17/0.1
1x chicken breast (200g)= 162/30.07/5.85/2.62

Meal 4
1x tau pok= 89/3/2/8
3x fish ball= 100/9/9/3
2x fish cake= 60/8/1/1
bee hoon (100g)= 354/6.4/81/0.5

Meal 5
wholemeal bread 1 slice= 61.5/3.25/12/0.65
chocomalt uht milk (250 ml)= 210/11/27/6

Meal 6
30g whey= 120/25/2/1 

Macro ratio (%)= 42.7/48.0/9.3

Wow, this is really troublesome to type out. I couldn't find a nutrition log for blogger...
Anyway I might has missed out some carbs and fats because of the butter I used to cook but it should be negligible. Hmm the ratio is ok but I'm way too high on the carbs side. This is what I mean. My achievable aim should be something like 50/40/10 or at least the protein must he higher than carbs, not the other way round. Hmmm...room for much improvements.

Tomorrow will be hitting the gym. I will try to eat a lot tomorrow since I will need the energy. Hope there's some improvement on my strength too.

In the near future; time for drastic changes.



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