Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 5..

Every day it gets tougher.

But finally, we are halfway there. 5/10 days. Today I think I finally faced some roadblocks. And today I felt the cravings. Like for example walking pass fairprice and seeing the milk tea @ only $2.25 for 2. I was damn tempted to just hoot. But we have to stay on the objective, even if just for these 10 days. So I had to suck thumb and ignore all the cravings. Although I had to get a cup of iced root beer (shiok) to keep my body in check if not once my cravings spill over, I will binge (yes I will) and bam, yo-yo effect, simple.

Tried my self made barbells today. Did some 'bench presses' and bicep work. I must say the tek koh is very fragile. And the weights (heavy bags) because they are not compressed, makes pressing them quite awkward and uncomfortable especially the heavier weights. But we have no choice but to improvise, so tek koh weights is a good substitute. It works. Not as effective, but it gets the work done. And no, I realised I cannot do barbell curls with it. The 'snapping' effect when I curl it to my body is extremely awkward and I'd be stupid to let it injure myself. So I could only use the only alternative; my other gigantic bag.

Ok, there is a BIT of improvement. Can see the veins more visibly now but as for size, maayybe they are bulging out a BIT more but no obvious size increase. When (if even) will I see them?

Oh yea, kinda screwed up my eating schedule today. Not the nutrition, but the timing. Somehow I was too lazy to eat (?) and kept on pushing meals back. Until I found out I have to stuff everything into dinner. That wasn't good at all. I felt bloated, low on energy and most of all didn't hit my target protein intake. Well, this is the first mistake I've made and I hope it's the last. I need to remind myself to plan my meals more consistently...

Anyway I bought 800g of chicken breast (fresh, not frozen) to chomp down until 25th. Tomorrow brunch will be just that, chicken breast and some spaghetti.

Diet today!
brunch- yong tau foo*
             stuffed tau pok(half)=2g
             1x tau kwa(small)=8g
             1x hot dog=5g
             1x fish cake=3g
             1x goh hiong=2g
             fish ball x2=6g
             bee hoon=5g
*most YTF stuff are argaration because it's hard to tell the exact amount of protein, since they all vary in size and cooking method.**
pre/post workout-30g whey+250ml chocomalt milk=36g (taste super SWEET)
dinner-same as yesterday=40g
before sleep-30g whey+250ml skimmed milk=  34.8g
Total protein intake=141.8g

Wow this is kinda epic fail. 141.8g only. I wanted to just take another scoop of whey but I'm too scared. And my stomach feels really really bloated. Anyway I'm probably 70kg now so my target intake should be 154g. So I need to aim for 170g protein per day now.

Ok, 5/10 days over. Half of it is over...




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