Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, November 18, 2011

Project LabMONSTER (Revisited Nov 2011)

Since my last duty, I somehow had a newfound surge of energy and motivation to start training again. Well, my running 'career' is on hiatus right now, except for the one big event which is SCSM 2011. My last run was well over two weeks ago, where I ended abruptly and painfully at only 7K. It is totally unwise to run at all much less a FULL marathon but I've already signed up. Anyway I will obviously do a walk-run strategy and worst come to worst I'll just walk till the finish line... So back to my training. Yea, "Project LabMONSTER" is brought back from the grave once again and this time, I may actually succeed. Finally?

To make it short and sweet -- I'm on a short term plan to achieve the improbable: make some changes in 10 days.

Yes it's a 10 day challenge to a more muscular physique. I'm not trying to suddenly become some musclefreak, but just aiming for some significant changes. I believe it's possible if I work hardcore for 10 days.

Few factors for this sudden project:
1) my 11 days leave from 17th-27th. Taking away the first day, I have exactly 10 full, uninterrupted, free-from-army days. This is a nice number to try to accomplish something. Also, with 10 days to myself I can test whether the theory of me being able keep healthy (eg self cook, clean eating) when meals are controlled by me is correct. There has never been 10 solid days free in the last 2 years since my enlistment. The last time I self cooked and counted calories was in 2009 (when I had all the free time in the world) so I'd like to get back to a healthier livestyle again.
2) friends. Somehow, some guys in istana decided to train and bulk up so much that it is starting to become a trend. And seeing them more muscular, while I was getting fatter wasn't cool at all. For quite a few weeks this has been bothering me already. I want to be better than them. I have to. Time to hit the gym, enough said. Then I'll show them...
3) preparation for university life. Ah, the social pressure. With so many JJC kids there, and much much more fit guys in uni, it's a different ball game. Being slim can no longer cut it. I have to have some muscle. Especially the arms. NEED. BIG. ARMS.
4) just want to do something, anything with so much free time. Better than waking up everyday and spending the whole day rotting in front the laptop, which is made worse by the fact I can't run long d. If I can't run, I have to pump iron, simple.

So yea a lot of motivation this time round. I am going to promise myself to commit long-term, but NOW, now the short term target is to, as I mentioned, gain some muscle in 10 days. It's a 10 days challenge!

I believe it will work this time. I have the knowledge ( always had, never executed). I am executing now. (heavy weights, low reps). I have the resources (itouch, bodybuilding.com). I have the motivation and inspiration (mentioned above). I have the money. And this time, probably gonna be the crucial factor; I have the PROTEIN. Yes. The basis of muscle building is simple, you must have enough protein! If not no matter how hardcore you train your biceps will always look the same!

So I'm trying as hard as I can to follow the method of 150g protein/150 lbs (my weight). Every single attempt previously failed because it was too unrealistic to get so much protein with normal foods. Either I have to eat more (more $$$ wasted) or get protein powder. And finally, I can say, I GOT MY WHEY PROTEIN TODAY! It's the Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey, which is generally what everyone uses and is quite effective too. The 25g of protein per scoop is a miracle.

Anyway too lazy to elaborate on my workout but I can say I'm working harder than usual. And I'm actually working hard, in a long time, so.

Today was the first time I went back to a public gym in like, 6 months? And finally I forced myself to check my weight after so long of deceiving myself. I gave myself a range of 67-70kg and my to my relief I'm only 68kg. It's still bad but I'm still fitting my clothes so no worries.

Let's end the post soon. So today is officially the first day of my 10 days challenge. I really hope I can stick to my schedule for this 10 days. I know if I do, this will be long term. If I don't, every thing's going back to square one.

Day 1
Weight: 68kg
Total Protein intake: 135g
Breakfast - nil
Pre/Mid/post workout drink - 250ml low fat milk + 1 scoop (30g) =35g
Brunch - chicken breast rice + 1 egg =30g
Snack - soya beancurd 1 serving = 6g
Dinner - spaghetti in tomato sauce + 3 egg whites = 29g
Pre/mid/post workout drink - 250ml low fat milk + 1 scoop (30g) =35g

P.s Tomorrow breakfast/brunch might be compromised because of family day buffet...I'm sad. Anyway, 14 days to ORD =D=D=D


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