Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, November 21, 2011

Proj LabMONSTER day 4

Argh progress is really slow...!! Or is there even any?

Day 4...in the past I would have given up by now. No way..not this time

So yea, had to drag my sleepy ass to gym early in the morning. Set alarm at 6am but was so sleepy so didn't reach the gym until around 9 plus. Just focused on chest today, nothing more, nothing less.

Tomorrow will be bicep/chest/legs day. At home, with my custom made "barbell". (Basically tek koh+heavy bags)

Anyway, we are 4/10 days already..I have to keep it up.

Weight: 69kg
Today's diet.
breakfast- 1 can tuna=25g
pre/post workout-30g whey+milk=35g
lunch-chicken rice+meat=30g **Add meat from that stall was pathetically little. After adding meat the size even lesser than one piece of breast. Shite!
snack-green tea bean curd=5.9g
dinner-3 eggs(2 yolks removed)+1 chicken breast+half bowl rice=40g
before sleep-30g whey=25g
Total protein intake=160.9g

Quite tempted to take 3 scoops per day from now on, but I think I'll just be conservative now. If things don't work out, I might just become fatter. And if it's really 80 scoops, one tub of protein will run out really soon. Then need more $$$ to restock. Don't want that to happen.



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