Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, November 28, 2010

And soon, the start/end of and Era.

Less than 6 months ago I started.

Less than 6 days later I will undergo the first test. 

This final week is crucial leading to race day. I'm ultimately scared of catching illnesses or getting injured so we're trying to be as careful as possible here. 

But how ironic I still played soccer (after a long time) yesterday and would be playing again tomorrow. How dangerous man. If people decide to play rough. 

On the marathon, there's no need to give so much hype, as least in my opinion. 

It's just that people compare results with inferior standards. Look, in Singapore, the average timing for a full marathon is SIX hours. And so completing a sub-6 is considered good. But to people who know better, SIX hours is NOTHING. If we compare to say, USA, where the average marathon timing is 4:30, it's nothing. But if someone hits 4:30 in Singapore it's considered above average. Why? Why can't people research more and see the truth? 

And on the distance. Yea sure, 42K is long. Heck, I don't even know if I'm in the position to comment, since the longest I've went is 33K. But come on, 42K is NOTHING if we want to compare against longer endurance events such as Ultras or Ironmans. Because Singapore only has what, ONE mere ultra per year. Laugh-out-loud. You look at the 50 milers, the 100 milers, the 150 milers, the 24 hours races, the multiday races out there, and you see how deprived we Singaporeans are. It's sad, but it can't be helped, since Singapore is so bloody small and running isn't the most popular of sports here. 

You see all that and you think, what is 26.2 miles? It's almost...amateurish! 

But then again, we will see if I can overcome this 'amateurish' marathon this Sunday. 

I agree, completing a marathon is nothing, some people might say. But to do it within a respectable timing, it's a different story. 

REAL WORK is going to start soon after my marathon, and we're not talking about fitness/running/sports/army anymore.


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