Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Four Hour Marathon

Hey...less than two weeks to the Marathon...it's time for the motivational videos, ain't it?

Well I might get too emotional right now and lose focus since we haven't really round up our final preparations. 

Yes, my final LSD 33K is done. And with that, the tapering process has already begun. Time to cut down the trainings, lower intensity by 50%, carbo-load, etc etc. And I am listening, it's always good to take the tried and proven route, especially for something as momentous as a marathon. 

On my target timing. My head says 4:30 but my heart wants a 3:59:59 or less. I wonder, when I look at the videos, how 3:30 is so easily achievable by fellow runners who look ....just plain average! It sends the message that a sub-4 marathon is actually simple, but truth is it's NOT. Well, at least to me now!

I've done all the trainings, and I'm already used to the 5.40 min/km pace required for a sub-4. Oh lord how I wish a can say I can maintain it for 42 kilometres! 

Well, the worst I can go is 6min/km, which equates to a 4:12 finish. I am probably going to keep at 5.40 - 6.00 for the first 21K, then push for 5.40 sharp for the next 10K. This is probably going to determine if I hit sub-4. At the 31K mark, if I 'bonk', then I will try to salvage a 4:30 finish. If I feel damn good, I will MAINTAIN 5.40 UNTIL 37K MARK WHEN I FACE THE BENJAMIN SHEARS BRIDGE! THERE I KNOW IF I DON'T CRAMP UP OR GIVE UP I WILL FINALLY UNLEASH MY FREAKING 10K RACE PACE UNTIL AS LONG AS POSSIBLE UNTIL I REACH THE FINISHING LINE................!

Phew. Talking about it gets me excited. 

Oh yes, bonking. I don't want to bonk. Searching and watching inspirations videos also leads to results showing unpleasant stuff such as bonking. It is scary when you think that may happen to you, but things like that can't be helped man. We can only hope for the best when race day comes. 

Check all your preparation for now on...especially enough hydration and carbo-loading...my duties are over, and I won't have duty until after SCSM. =) Predicted off starts on 2 Dec, after which will be my leave 3-7 Dec in view of the Marathon. 

The Four Hour Marathon. If I do it...WILL I do it?


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