Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Barrage virgin hits HIGH

Well I gotta admit, the group run just now with old NPCC buddies is pretty enjoyable. Clocked 14K, and finished with a hills repeat. Well sort of, if the Marina Barrage upslope is considered a "hill". But workout wise, I am on target. No wonder night running is so appealing, there's the breezy and cooling weather, the quiet surroundings, and somehow you don't lose energy as quickly. Oh, and running past the crowded Orchard Road at 10pm does motivate you, hah. Hmm, the next time I go back would probably be this Monday, if not on 5 Dec itself, so yea, looking forward to it man!


A preview for next year: New races! 

Two of the ones I'm participating for sure. 

1. Terry Fox Run 2011 

Distance: 10K RUN or 5K WALK. Price: $20 Adult/ $15 Youth. Venue: Big Splash. Competitive or not for the 10K, I'm not sure as it didn't state. The shirt is pretty ugly and "sponsorless", but $20 for 10K is ridiculously cheap. I want to do this. Hey guys who's on? More info: http://www.canadians.org.sg/pdf/Event_TerryFoxRun-flyer.pdf

2. Sundown Marathon 2011

Alright it's finally out! This is getting exciting =). So this time apparently they have changed things a bit. Instead of one single say event for all categories, they decided to do with the usual Full/Half/10K in one day but with the Ultra on another month! But guess what's the more exciting part? The Ultra is not 84K but a whopping 100K! Upgraded to the next level! Even sitting on my seat now, I am feeling pumped up for the event. My mind say just go for the 100K but my heart tells me to do the 100K AND 42K! Woah! Imagine if I could complete that! Uh, but it's still too early to say, so till' then I'll seek some opinion before deciding. The pricing is steep though, but...I'll just have to save up =(. Can't wait for my first Sundown! Interestingly, someone mentioned that there is no "Adidas" included in the title so could it be they've changed sponsors? Who, Asics? NB? NIKE? More info: http://www.sundownmarathon.com/newsletter/newletter_16112010.html


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