Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Terrifying Experience.

Geez, been a long time hasn't it?

I guess I was too busy staying in for duties to even go back home. Anyway, wasted no time to track back to my training schedule. Three days after my last run, and this was what I did today.

Three rounds around Pandan Reservoir. That's 6K x 3 or 18K in total. Well, I must say that I changed the plan for today because I was not properly fuelled for the original 21K. So instead, I just did 18K, split into 3 sessions. All three done at Marathon Pace, but at different times. I am quite confident that this produced better results, instead of 21K slow run. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and the last one at NIGHT. I must blog about this. Oh-my-lord the night run was terrifying!!! I predicted wrongly that the sky would not turn dark until 7.30pm, where I would have already completed the run, but turns out I was very, very wrong. And I paid the price by having to run almost 3K in darkness, paranoia, and harassment. The first thing was the rain. Thunder and lightning suddenly appeared while I was halfway through the reservoir and it made the skies darker. As a result of the incoming rain, there were these pesky fleas, millions and millions of them, emerging from the sides which just flew towards me and tried to enter my mouth, my ear, my eyes...it was just sick man! The WHOLE stretch of 2K was covered by fleas...and they just relentlessly bombarded onto my body like pins; it was damn disgusting. Especially when they flew into my mouth and I had to spit them out YUCKS. Horrible, just horrible. I was like a caveman. I was literally running away from them. And secondly, from 3K onwards, there were NO LIGHTS at the sides of the route and guess what surrounded me? TREES. Endless, dark, shadowy, creepy looking trees that threatened to have "something" appear out of them. By now I was scared stiff and just ran for my life. My imagination ran even faster and all sorts of shadows, white stuff, voices, figures just popped out. ARGH and I still had like 2K to go! If I stopped, that's it, so I just RAN and RAN and RAN, desperately hoping the end was near. Worst, there was nobody around (at least human presence calms you down) and I'd imagine there was "something" behind me and chasing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OH SHIT IT WAS FREAKY. I just ran like a dog, I wasn't even tired or panting it was as if I was on steroids. The adrenaline just overshot to the MAX. After some torturous 15 minutes I finally, FINALLY reached my home. How relieved was I!

I swear I will never run Pandan Reservoir at night again...!

                                             IT'S DAMN CREEPY AT NIGHT.

So yea, what a fun day huh. My damn SIM card is still inactive so I'm gonna be uncontactable for another few days. Collected the Salomon Race Pack too. Shirt material, design and size is great, the bib looks good. Map, rules, all printed nicely on a A4 paper that comes together with a 30% voucher. Sad there wasn't more goodies. Oh, and the sweet running cap that only early birds got. =D

Was thinking just now, actually the neighborhood is actually a workout paradise. There shouldn't be any unfit people in this area, given the easy accessibility to exercise corners and running paths. You see, there's the Reservoir, 6K, perfect for Long Slow Distance with a few rounds with distance markers AND trail training. There's the stretch of 1.5K gravel located beside the levitated reservoir that is just made for mile repeats/tempo runs. There's the 400m asphalts below my house which I use dominantly for Intervals. Heck, I can even do Hills/Hill repeats at the reservoir. And LAST but the BEST, the new IPPT area built at Teban Gardens, which I have yet to visit. If I do each of them daily, and add a gym session, I can easily keep fit even if I'm not training for races. Woo~

Alright, that's all from me tonight! Tomorrow is the First Sunday of the month, time for Change of Guards!


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