Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lab's WC Predictons: The Quarterfinals.

Match 58
Uruguay vs Ghana

What? Did I hear people say Uruguay's gonna breeze through this? A walk in the park? Haha. Funny man, really funny. Have you guys seen how those freaking Africans totally raped the Americans? It was quite disturbing, to say the least. They made US look like amateurs! I am trusting upon this fact, plus the fact that they are so fired up and in form now, that the only remaining African representative will overcome the powerful Uruguay and secure themselves a semifinal spot. Typical underdog story...
FT: Uruguay 0 Ghaha 2

Match 57
Netherlands vs Brazil

Hey Holland! Your compatriot in "Crumbling to the big boys" Portugal are already out! What are you still doing here??! Yes, I think its due time Holland packed their bags. Though, I have a sneaking feeling they could actually spring a surprise and beat Brazil. I mean, Brazil are so heavily hyped it's not even funny. And what better time to silence all the bandwagons and fanboys and gloryhunters than to have Holland actually beat Brazil in the OF? Think about it, this would be HUGE! But then again, it's Holland we're talking about, so...
FT: Netherlands 1 Brazil 2

Match 59
Argentina vs Germany

This is the one I've been waiting for. But I can't watch it!!! *Sucks thumb* Anyway, this is probably the hardest match to predict. It can easily go either way. Both teams are deserving of a spot in the Finals, I've said that before. On one side you have the most in form team right now, Argentina, playing so damn well, and I almost forgot to mention their UNBEATEN streak. On the other hand you have this relentless machine in the form of Germany. This is THE TEAM that put England to where they belonged in World Football; NO WHERE. And they look so organised and threatening everytime they play, I'm not surprised if they tore Argentina apart just like that. They are unbelievably GOOD right now!
FT: Argentina 2 Germany 2 (Argentina to win on Penalties)

Match 60
Paraguay vs Spain

This is a no brainer. If you go to the betting shop and put Paraguay to win, I salute you.
FT: Paraguay 0 Spain 3

So there you have it. I feel better now posting this after that rant; at least it's giving me some form of incentive to look forward to the final few matches. Trying to make things more interesting for everyone man! =)

Heading for a Breakdown

I feel shit.

What the FUCK is happening again?

Is it my cursed life that I must go through problems after problems after problems...?

First, I got in somewhere I felt quite happy about, then realise it was quite crappy (I can't say why here) then in the end, I felt I made the wrong decision. Second, I hate some people's face, I just can't stand them. Brash, arrogant sons of bitches who think they are so God damn powerful.

Then, SHIT happens and I lost my wallet AND Mp3. In camp. Like that. Just like that. I mean, come on WHAT THE FUCK?! Fuck my life. This is really it man.

I hate this.

And I ain't complaining or blaming anybody but myself, so don't even bother tracing me down and hacking me to pieces just to satisfying your demented egos.

I like typing my posts subtly, so as to protect myself as well as convey my messages in such a way that if you get it, you get it. If you don't, forget about it.

And doing lots and lots of sai kang doesn't help either. I am a tired and pissed off man.

Oh great.

Life sucks and then you die...

On the World Cup...

Lab's Prediction is STILL ON! XD

Sunday, June 27, 2010

England are SHITE!

HAHAHA watching the demolition of England right now..."The Germans' movement, are too good for England" says the commentator which I totally agree hahaha!!! OMG Germans almost scored again! And the English commentator sounds so disraught and unstable it's so FREAKING HILARIOUS.

OMGWTFBBQ as I was typing a series of mad events just happened!!! ENGLAND SCORED ONE BACK, AND EQUALISED WITH ANOTHER BUT IT WASN'T GIVEN WTF! Instant replay showed clearly the ball hit crossbar and across the line! Oh hahaha this is awesome! Hell to pay if England knocked out because of this!!!

This is serious heartstopping non stop action...my first match of the WC and I'm enjoying every single bit of it!

Game has just ended...I didn't even bother to continue watching after the third goal. Typical perfomance from England. Just too overrated. See what I said? Hopefully people start to realise that England aren't so good after all. Push them out of top 10!

Now...continuing my WC post, I will say something bout' the second match of the Quarter Finals...AND IT'S NOT GOOD NEWS TO ME...Germany, already thru' to top 8 will fight against winners of Mexico vs Argentina. And this is a no brainer really. Argentina is gonna KILL Mexico, *snap* just like that. Wow. And the result? Argentina qualifying for QF and going up against the Germans...Oh man...this sucks cos' both teams deserve at least a place in the finals; as I said before (Previous post).

Zzz...no room for both, one must go. Germans definitely the much better team, be it in tactics, fitness, teamwork, except for the number of star players, of course. I WANT to see Argentina win, but if we put things into perspective, Germans are the favourites here. Esp after that merciless dismantling of England team. I might think differently though, if Argentina REALLY thrash the hell out of Mexico.

But still, my predictions of who is gonna win is still ON! If you forced me to pick, I'd still go with Germany. They are really too damn good now.

Must go sleep now...tml gotta book in early. Heng no guard duty, so will be back by night. Lectures tml only hopefully....PLEASE!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lab's World Cup Predictions

Ok, this is random.

But since the World Cup is now on its knockout stages, I thought why not just post my feelings about it and who I think will WIN.

To me, WC2010 was always gonna be ignored, since I was "trapped" inside Army. I was already mentally prepared for it last year that I can't watch it. So I didn't bother much. It hasn't change, really. Somehow, for soccer wise anyway, whenever I could support some team, that team succeeds. Eg Man Utd from 06 to 08. But this year, 09, I couldn't totally watch EPL as I was in Army, so Man Utd lost the championship. I know it sounds really wierd and illogical, but I actually prefer things this way. But back to WC. Maybe this year's WC's lacklustre standards was attributed to this logic? L-O-L. Lab, are you drunk? But in all seriousness, I admit, I haven't watched a single WC match since the start. Yea...WC is so big...once in 4 years...blah blah...but I just don't feel like watching it, or I'm too tired. Or maybe it's just too boring this year...

So who do I think will win? I don't really know, but I have a few teams in mind. In the train journey just now, three teams poped up into my mind after I read a few articles on the Spain match.


I could say this is random, then again I could say it is not. My guess is one of these three teams will win the World Cup this year. It's based on the tables, really, and a bit of deep thinking. Let me explain. If you look at the group tables, Germany finished with 6, Spain 6 and Brazil 7. Then you think, what the hell what am I thinking, freaking ARGENTINA and NETHERLANDS OWNING WITH 9 out of 9 leh! Are you dumb or retarted not to even pick either of them as eventually winners? Siao ar! Pick those who already lost games, and not the hot favourites, those on form teams now!?

This is what I think. If I observed correctly, last yr's winner Italy, were also written off to win the WC, even from the very start. Using this observation, they eventually quietly sailed their way into the finals, (where everyone was KPKB) and actually WON the damn thing. So with this theory, which I believe winning the WC is based upon, there are three teams now who fit this "slow starter" description perfectly - Germany, Brazil and Spain. Of course, this would be flawed if we just looked at POINTS alone. We MUST of course, judge things from the actual competency and reputation itself, if not, we are letting the factor of beginner's luck in. Note, beginner's luck and luck created due to experience is quite different, if you know what I mean. Italy were World Cup winners before, and they are a DAMN good team. So when they slowly kicked team after team out of the tournament, people were starting to recognise they prowess again, something they had overlooked DUE to the OTHER on form teams back then.

Now, perhaps the strongest argument of my theory is not the actual teams who I think will win itself, but their "one up" or the leaders right now. We all know, in soccer, or in major tournaments, there are bound to be fast starters who fizzle off during the last minute. It always happens. And how coincidentally, the two teams MOST famous for doing this are actually ARGENTINA and NETHERLANDS! And how coincidentally, they are both fking on form and taking WC by storm now, in it's very opening stages. I believe it will be a typical case of "Rabbit vs Turtle" race. Haha....

So there you go, simple. Either Germany, Brazil or Spain will win this year, IMHO. Although really don't fancy any of them winning, it must be said. These are the teams who I think will win, but not who I want to win. Yes, I've said a thousand times I don't support any team, but I actually take a liking towards ARGENTINAAA!!!. I don't know why, they are so cool and unothordox, and adding to the drama and entertainment in the form of Maradona, who can NOT find them the least exciting?! It is the only COLOUR that is showing in the midst of the grey, overwhelming fog which is the World Cup. And this colour is SKY BLUE! I even have a Argentina shirt with me man!

My head says : Germany
My heart says : England
Who I want to see win: Argentina

...Yea ENGURLAND. damn it, back to reality....I don't want this, I don't like this, but even I have succumbed a long time ago to the propaganda for English Football....this is what watching only EPL does to you...they make it mandatory for you to SUPPORT ENGLAND cos' it's the mightiest team in the World...srsly, England team sucks, overrated, sucks, sucks, sucks....but my heart still follows them, even if discreetly.

Still, imagine the PARTY if La Albiceleste win this year!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Welcome to MPEU.."

This sucks. This really sucks.

I don't know if this happens to you guys a lot, but I got my first hand experience of "expecting the unexpected" on my first day in MPEU. So we had a safety talk in the morning before going to our new units...the programme was just scheduled for the whole day, latest till evening? Mainly just listened to the CSM talk cok until it was book out time...around 5pm. So damn happy...finally can book out le...one whole day wasted sia...THEN SUDDENLY THIS HAPPENED.


....Fark man...srsly. You know what's the worst feeling. The worst feeling, is that we don't even have a SAY in this. We can't do NOTHING about it! Except just follow the regimental orders, and sucks thumb and DO. Dirty, smelly, haven't bath, haven't eaten dinner, not expecting this, demoralised, depressed. *Shakes head even thinking of it now.*

Yea, and I won't forget what the 2SG said to us, after seeing us all SIAN DIAO and pissed off. "Welcome to MPEU...." All the guard duty shall be thrown to us! One thing I learnt today. MPEU = Doing duty for your own home i.e. Mowbray camp. Others posted to Gombak, etc right? Then who to guard MP camp? Non other than us, MPEU guys...

LUCKY, there was positives about this. I was in the first group, meaning that after my 12hrs shift, which was until today morning btw, I could fuk off le. That meant ultimately, FOUR days of uninterrupted leave/freedom. It would have been worst if I kena like today, or tomorrow, or saturday. Go home enjoy leave but still have to come back do duty. HENG KA LAO SAI I THINK I AM.

So now that I've already done my duty, THURS (Today), FRI, SAT, SUN is ALL MINE~~~!!! Except if called up for emergency ops, of course.

Ahh...looks like my first job as part of LECC is to do duty for NDP. Rehearsal will be coming fast and furious...Hope it will be fun and enriching though.

I've to get some sleep now, been cheonging internet since I came back, now it's already 4pm. See ya.

QOTD: He who laughs last, laughs most.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I hate it to post when I'm freaking sleepy...but well, must do it since everything's still fresh in my memories.

Today, finally MP Basic 17/10 Passed Out! I feel damn good man...can finally become a REAL Military Policeman. Everything that I've learnt in the past 9 weeks, I will definitely to the best of my abilities remember and execute. Pride, discipline and honour, no joke man.

Now thinking back, so much things happened, it was truly a roller coaster ride, as they say. From the first week, where my buddy kena taupok until jialat jialat, to the hellacious EX-MLM, to the countless arguments between sectionmates, to the FIVE times we raped BS and exposed his BIG BALLS, to p226 where I got 42/50 and to yesterday, where hell literally broke loose! Since ytd was POP eve, everyone was damn excited and started blanket party-ing sergeants and others. I finally revealed the SECRET that I held on to for 9 weeks; that is my identical birthday as my bed buddy. And as much as I wanted to keep it with me so that I don't kena taupok, I still had to tell them man. So...yep, you guessed it, I kena 1x Jialat Jialat also! But nevermind, so did EVERYONE. (Well, except G&G of course) Man, you should have seen how freaking messy the bunk was after all the havoc. It was damn fun, but the cleaning up was very troublesome. Nevertheless, it was a super memorable way to end the course. I'm sure nobody would want it any other way. But the story doesn't end. Freaking 3SGs played some lame ass prank on us during the last POP night...SUPER MINDFUKXX. Sometimes...I wonder...

Today, was the iconic POP parade. Parents, civilian everywhere. Quite tensed up, especially during the waiting time. But we were well rehearsed, so nothing should go wrong. Was I right? No, I was really WRONG.

Everything was OK, the banging, the dressing, the sharpness. Until Kaleh Senjata. Fk. I screwed it up infront of 400+ ppl!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!! What happened was we were supposed to change rifle from right to left hand, but when it reached my left hand, I slipped my hold of the butt and just scrappily managed to hold on to the MAGAZINE, to prevent it from dropping. Can you imagine, how I felt? I definitely saw eyes focusing on me when I did that mistake. So what to do? Since I can't adjust, I just hung on to the awkward position. And in the position, we had to recite the MP creed. Freak! I'm sure I looked like a clown. But...these kind of things...nevermind la, at least didn't drop rifle...THAT would had been 100000x worse!

But it wasn't just me who made a mistake. Our commander also gave wrong command for one of the drills. But he sibei zai, wrong command, he still shouted "SEMULA!" damn loudly, as if he did nothing wrong, and proceeded with the correct command. Wah...respect man.

All in all, very enjoyable day. Watching our course video did make me feel emotional, especially with all the shit we went through together. Never felt this during BMT. The Fked up elitest section.

YEA, finally got the ORANGE MP BURSARD. I am a Military Policeman!

Oh, and my posting didn't change. I am going to LECC, good or bad? We will see.

Have to book in 0730 tml for briefing. Gotta run!


Saturday, June 19, 2010


Should I go back to Maple? This has been troubling me the whole week. Admittingly, it is mostly due to my new laptop, which is more than capable of ensuring a smooth, lag free gaming experience.

I'm seriously considering...but this time, I am weighing the pros and cons carefully. It is giving me a real headache.

Back in the days, Maple was my No.1 source of entertainment. No, should I say, it was MY LIFE. I have said before and I'll say again, Maple will always stick to my memories and I really can't flush it out of my system. It is really tempting man. To go back to the beautiful Maple world and use my XiaoLab lvl 130 Hero to kick some Yeti ass. And maybe finally get the Zakum helm. I know, time has passed and I'm waaaayyyy behind what is happening le. Now it's VERSION 2.0, with loads of new stuff.

But after careful thinking, I forced myself to conclude that re-playing Maple will only ruin my life, AGAIN. Like it has done so last time. I for one, am totally sure of the fact that if I go back to Maple again, I will get hooked again. It's that simple. I will go back to the life of spending 8hrs per day grinding it out to level up my character. Or should I say, I will go back to having NO LIFE. Come on, I'm an adult now, and I really can't let another game take over me, especially in such a crucial time. It's my transition period, so to speak, and If I make another wrong move, I'll only continue to sink ever further.

So I've decided. Biting my lips, I will NOT play Maple again. As painful as it is going to be, this is a decision I have man. I know, it will only benefit in the future. I don't want to waste my life anymore, man.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Ending days in MPTS...Xiong arh.

What a unexpectedly xiong week!

Totally not prepared for it man...well, what happened?

Put it simply, it was IPPT and the POP Rehearsal.

I don't want to elaborate on the negative stuff again...I'm trying to free my blog of any whining and complaining from now on...at least for the moment. But seriously, POP rehearsal was H-E-L-L. Trust me, IMO more shack than BMT de. We literally did drills non stop (excluding lunch) from 7.30am all the way to 5.30pm, no exaggerating! OMG. Thinking back gives me headaches. And to think life after MLM was slack, I WAS TOTALLY WRONG. Fking kicked in the face man.

Plus plus, the damn IPPT run and CCT! Almost forgot bout' CCT! OMG 3 man team is no joke sia. Okay, we were partly victims of our own choices, but who would've thought one man could struggle off three men with so much brute force and resilience? Ya, what we had to do was 3v1, three officers must take down a detainee and force him to some locked up position. But I didn't mention though, this one guy, was FREAKING MUSCULAR. He's built like some wrestler la! But still, we had THREE strong guys too. It couldn't be that hard, could it? Turned out we were very, very wrong, and got owned. Totally couldn't subdue him, no matter how hard we tried. It was like wrestling a freaking APE. After the few minutes of chaotic struggle, all of us were drained out man. But the worst part was the after effects---bruises, cuts, sores, aches...everywhere. Zzz...


I was this close to GOLD for IPPT. Best effort yet, surprisingly.

Why do good things happen when people don't really expect it?


SBJ: 234cm
Chin ups: 11
Sit ups: 40
Shuttle Run: 10.02 sec
2.4km Run: 10min 10sec

Blarghhhhhhhhh this is mindfukxxx...26 more seconds...I couldn't stop blaming myself for not pushing hard enough...if I had known I was this close, I would have sprinted further back to capitalize on the time...

But nvm. This is my best timing yet, and a solid improvement from last time. I will try to improve next time...hopefully, hopefully...next year's IPPT I would have finally attain GOLD la!

Now...I'm omly waiting for my confirmed posting, and decided my road ahead. I was thinking, if POP rehearsal was so jia lat already, then if kena LECC, which means everyday drills, wouldn't it be WORST? Is it worth it? Oh man...

QOTD: Take attention to details, and you will find excellence.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Notebook!

But I can't use it yet!!! Somehow, my connection is screwed up. I need to call some guys to help me solve the problem, if not I would have bought dis notebook for nothing...

Got a superb deal from the PC show just now! I bought the Acer Aspire 4741 for for only $1150, what a steal man! This above avg baby consists of the latest intel i5 processor, 4gb ddr3 ram, 500gb hd, nvidia geforce 330m and THREE years local warranty...and not to forget all the freebies. Quite happy with my first "hoot" from the PC show.

Argh...but the damn connection...what the fk is the problem?? Worst come to worst I really have to get a new router, if (possibly) my current one isn't compatible with Windows 7. I really hate all these computer stuff man...so difficult to fix zzzzzzzzzzz...

So damn tired now...but the damn comp still not ok. Wa lan...Please God let it work properly soon.....

Friday, June 11, 2010

Moments to Treasure

And another week just flew by.

Slowly as the section began to bond together more, I started to treasure these times spent together more. Cos' after this POP, we will once again, be seperated to different units and going to different places. It was a hell lot of fun with this bunch of guys...lots of fun and crazy times. I will miss these times after its all said and done. Anyway, there is still one final week left, so next week, let's make the most out of it and end this course happily and smoothly.

This week, I am fking happy. We got to know our postings, and if no last minute cock ups occur, I will be posted to Military Police Enforcement Unit, Law Enforcement & Ceremonial Company (MPEU LECC). Few weeks ago, I already knew I was being posted to MPEU, but under MPEU there are still two possiblities; namely LECC and SOU. Well, simply put, to me, SOU or Security Ops Unit is just Sai Kang Guard Duty in KINs throughout two years of my life. I am damn lucky I didn't tio that man! Got quite a scare when saw my posting printed "SOU" initally, I was seriously choked up. Luckily it was a old list, and when I saw the updated one, you can't imagine the exuberance I experienced. MPEU LECC, YEA!

Got my measurements taken for the Number One Uniform. If you don't know, it has always been my dream to don the prestigious No.1 uniform and perform for Ceremonial events like NDP and SAF Day. Now, finally I can have to chance. This is made event sweeter by the fact that only commissioned officers, WOs and Ceremonial MPs can get to wear it. Oh man...This is fking fabulous. Event most of my MP peers will never get to wear it. It's crazy man...Being a man isn't the best of things, but if you ask me if I wanted Military Police powers, and don the No.1 uniform, or be a saikang 3SG, I truthfully say I will want to be the former.

Speaking bout' uniforms, this week we got our No.3 MP uniform set also. Have to season and Iron it until DAMN ZAI!!! This feels like going back to NPCC all over again, haha. Have to starch the collar, iron all the lines, remove all creases, oh ya BUY UNIFORM COVER I almost forgot. Must polish boots, do beret, pin badges and tags properly...lol. How nostalgic. This weekend is burned for sure.

And Finally, I'm gonna get a new laptop tomorrow during PC show. already 90% decided what I wanted, after doing lots of "homework". Zzz, it can be quite tiresome doing research on specs and compatibility stuff, but I must do this so I don't kena conned. Esp during crazy events like PC show. Time to hoot some freebies too!

Next week, the final full week of MP Basic Course. Will be having IPPT on tuesday, the final high key event. I am just gonna try my best.

Brain block liao...

Anyway, YES to MPEU LECC!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Closer...

Time for a new post, so let's start things afresh.

Currently into the 8th week of MP basic training...and I'm glad to say it's finally gonna end SOON. 2 more weeks, to be exact. I'm POPing on 22 June...just gonna get through the final days smoothly and hopefully without any shit happening.

The past week was real easy to describe. Basically, it was EMO week. If you read my previous post, you'd know why I was so emo. Coincidentally, most of my bunkmates were also troubling over their girls so I guess we were on the same boat. Nevertheless, we managed to carry on for the week. Most of it was thanks to NINJA for being such a funny ass.

Past week's major event was my P226 live firing! I was damn fun man! Having shot a revolver before, I was quite familiar with pistols etc but still, this was no toy so everyone had to go through the same basic tech handling. On the actual shoot itself, I actually managed to produce unexpected results. Here why; during the practice shoot, I only got a pathetic 20/50 shots hit. Requirement to pass was 25/50. So you'd guess I was pretty disappointed, and succumbed to the fact that I sucked with firearms, again. However, I actually felt different. I actually, genuinely felt that my real shoot would garner much better results. Well, what did you know, for the real shoot, I actually hit a crazy 42/50 for the damn thing! Bet your ass I was happy like fk! Secret to being so zhun? I was dead pissed and focused on the target boards during the real test. Dictus te necare was looping in my brain, and killed off all my nerves. I wanted to kill some target boards, and I did. Oh, and I did held my pistol damn tight too, I must add. Guess it's all in the mind!

I was sorely interrupted ytd night, so had to continue the post hours later.

Hmm let's see what else. Yep, I must say almost ALL of the high key events are over. Looking back, I've really learnt quite a lot for this course. ATP, Thunderbolt, MLM, DB visit, p226...all of them were fun. Now, there's only EX-Confidence left, which is the tear gas thingy. I hate it, but just have to go through like a man.

It's hard to lose weight in this course man. Past week, I tried to eat lesser and work out more, but to no avail. I just managed to maintain my weight. It's ridiculous. IPPT is coming soon and I don't think I can get my GOLD le. Times like this when I really can't do shit man. Bleh...

Oh, and I should get a new notebook next week, during PC show. Finally...after years of torment with the pathetic excuse of a laptop that I have, I finally have the ability to get a brand new one myself. Yea man...imagine the possibilities...

Ok, I'm ending here. Going for my Roti Prata Routine...yea.

QOTD: When am I going to stop hanging by a thread?

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's over...and so God help me.

I hope you are reading this years later, you will really benefit from it, no matter what. It's because of posts like this.

Sat, 5/6, 2:43am.

This week must be one of the most significant weeks of my recent past. Things happened so quickly, the chain of events were so surreal. I am dead tired now.

What is it about, Lab? You know it yourself. A man only worries about two things. For my case, three, including Metal. Well, I am still hanging on the Metal, I don't have money problems, so...you get it.

I have countless questions. Why, why why.

Is this what they call fate? Or just the cruel reality of life.

But, be glad Lab, whatever it was, it's finally over. It's over.

You've gotten the answer that you were seeking so desperately for this week. Not by chance, not by luck, but by fate.

Finally, after one whole year of my life centralising around this person, I have finally decided to end this.

Call me foolish, call me a creep, for being so wishful and naive. I don't care.

As per my diary, it was a blast having you being in the center of my life. I have totally changed into a much different person over this past year, mentally and physically. The 20kg that I lost was ALL attributed to you, and I thank you for that.

Now, I will move on to the next step of my life, and I will use this experience to work even harder to become the ultimate me.

I've always, always told myself, Lab, that life begins at 20. I believe the end of this experience, is the start of the new one.

I will forget you, but I will never forget what you have done for me.

I will get over this, Lab.

...You were just the best I ever had.

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