Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, June 11, 2010

Moments to Treasure

And another week just flew by.

Slowly as the section began to bond together more, I started to treasure these times spent together more. Cos' after this POP, we will once again, be seperated to different units and going to different places. It was a hell lot of fun with this bunch of guys...lots of fun and crazy times. I will miss these times after its all said and done. Anyway, there is still one final week left, so next week, let's make the most out of it and end this course happily and smoothly.

This week, I am fking happy. We got to know our postings, and if no last minute cock ups occur, I will be posted to Military Police Enforcement Unit, Law Enforcement & Ceremonial Company (MPEU LECC). Few weeks ago, I already knew I was being posted to MPEU, but under MPEU there are still two possiblities; namely LECC and SOU. Well, simply put, to me, SOU or Security Ops Unit is just Sai Kang Guard Duty in KINs throughout two years of my life. I am damn lucky I didn't tio that man! Got quite a scare when saw my posting printed "SOU" initally, I was seriously choked up. Luckily it was a old list, and when I saw the updated one, you can't imagine the exuberance I experienced. MPEU LECC, YEA!

Got my measurements taken for the Number One Uniform. If you don't know, it has always been my dream to don the prestigious No.1 uniform and perform for Ceremonial events like NDP and SAF Day. Now, finally I can have to chance. This is made event sweeter by the fact that only commissioned officers, WOs and Ceremonial MPs can get to wear it. Oh man...This is fking fabulous. Event most of my MP peers will never get to wear it. It's crazy man...Being a man isn't the best of things, but if you ask me if I wanted Military Police powers, and don the No.1 uniform, or be a saikang 3SG, I truthfully say I will want to be the former.

Speaking bout' uniforms, this week we got our No.3 MP uniform set also. Have to season and Iron it until DAMN ZAI!!! This feels like going back to NPCC all over again, haha. Have to starch the collar, iron all the lines, remove all creases, oh ya BUY UNIFORM COVER I almost forgot. Must polish boots, do beret, pin badges and tags properly...lol. How nostalgic. This weekend is burned for sure.

And Finally, I'm gonna get a new laptop tomorrow during PC show. already 90% decided what I wanted, after doing lots of "homework". Zzz, it can be quite tiresome doing research on specs and compatibility stuff, but I must do this so I don't kena conned. Esp during crazy events like PC show. Time to hoot some freebies too!

Next week, the final full week of MP Basic Course. Will be having IPPT on tuesday, the final high key event. I am just gonna try my best.

Brain block liao...

Anyway, YES to MPEU LECC!!!


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