Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lab's World Cup Predictions

Ok, this is random.

But since the World Cup is now on its knockout stages, I thought why not just post my feelings about it and who I think will WIN.

To me, WC2010 was always gonna be ignored, since I was "trapped" inside Army. I was already mentally prepared for it last year that I can't watch it. So I didn't bother much. It hasn't change, really. Somehow, for soccer wise anyway, whenever I could support some team, that team succeeds. Eg Man Utd from 06 to 08. But this year, 09, I couldn't totally watch EPL as I was in Army, so Man Utd lost the championship. I know it sounds really wierd and illogical, but I actually prefer things this way. But back to WC. Maybe this year's WC's lacklustre standards was attributed to this logic? L-O-L. Lab, are you drunk? But in all seriousness, I admit, I haven't watched a single WC match since the start. Yea...WC is so big...once in 4 years...blah blah...but I just don't feel like watching it, or I'm too tired. Or maybe it's just too boring this year...

So who do I think will win? I don't really know, but I have a few teams in mind. In the train journey just now, three teams poped up into my mind after I read a few articles on the Spain match.


I could say this is random, then again I could say it is not. My guess is one of these three teams will win the World Cup this year. It's based on the tables, really, and a bit of deep thinking. Let me explain. If you look at the group tables, Germany finished with 6, Spain 6 and Brazil 7. Then you think, what the hell what am I thinking, freaking ARGENTINA and NETHERLANDS OWNING WITH 9 out of 9 leh! Are you dumb or retarted not to even pick either of them as eventually winners? Siao ar! Pick those who already lost games, and not the hot favourites, those on form teams now!?

This is what I think. If I observed correctly, last yr's winner Italy, were also written off to win the WC, even from the very start. Using this observation, they eventually quietly sailed their way into the finals, (where everyone was KPKB) and actually WON the damn thing. So with this theory, which I believe winning the WC is based upon, there are three teams now who fit this "slow starter" description perfectly - Germany, Brazil and Spain. Of course, this would be flawed if we just looked at POINTS alone. We MUST of course, judge things from the actual competency and reputation itself, if not, we are letting the factor of beginner's luck in. Note, beginner's luck and luck created due to experience is quite different, if you know what I mean. Italy were World Cup winners before, and they are a DAMN good team. So when they slowly kicked team after team out of the tournament, people were starting to recognise they prowess again, something they had overlooked DUE to the OTHER on form teams back then.

Now, perhaps the strongest argument of my theory is not the actual teams who I think will win itself, but their "one up" or the leaders right now. We all know, in soccer, or in major tournaments, there are bound to be fast starters who fizzle off during the last minute. It always happens. And how coincidentally, the two teams MOST famous for doing this are actually ARGENTINA and NETHERLANDS! And how coincidentally, they are both fking on form and taking WC by storm now, in it's very opening stages. I believe it will be a typical case of "Rabbit vs Turtle" race. Haha....

So there you go, simple. Either Germany, Brazil or Spain will win this year, IMHO. Although really don't fancy any of them winning, it must be said. These are the teams who I think will win, but not who I want to win. Yes, I've said a thousand times I don't support any team, but I actually take a liking towards ARGENTINAAA!!!. I don't know why, they are so cool and unothordox, and adding to the drama and entertainment in the form of Maradona, who can NOT find them the least exciting?! It is the only COLOUR that is showing in the midst of the grey, overwhelming fog which is the World Cup. And this colour is SKY BLUE! I even have a Argentina shirt with me man!

My head says : Germany
My heart says : England
Who I want to see win: Argentina

...Yea ENGURLAND. damn it, back to reality....I don't want this, I don't like this, but even I have succumbed a long time ago to the propaganda for English Football....this is what watching only EPL does to you...they make it mandatory for you to SUPPORT ENGLAND cos' it's the mightiest team in the World...srsly, England team sucks, overrated, sucks, sucks, sucks....but my heart still follows them, even if discreetly.

Still, imagine the PARTY if La Albiceleste win this year!!!


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