Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I hate it to post when I'm freaking sleepy...but well, must do it since everything's still fresh in my memories.

Today, finally MP Basic 17/10 Passed Out! I feel damn good man...can finally become a REAL Military Policeman. Everything that I've learnt in the past 9 weeks, I will definitely to the best of my abilities remember and execute. Pride, discipline and honour, no joke man.

Now thinking back, so much things happened, it was truly a roller coaster ride, as they say. From the first week, where my buddy kena taupok until jialat jialat, to the hellacious EX-MLM, to the countless arguments between sectionmates, to the FIVE times we raped BS and exposed his BIG BALLS, to p226 where I got 42/50 and to yesterday, where hell literally broke loose! Since ytd was POP eve, everyone was damn excited and started blanket party-ing sergeants and others. I finally revealed the SECRET that I held on to for 9 weeks; that is my identical birthday as my bed buddy. And as much as I wanted to keep it with me so that I don't kena taupok, I still had to tell them man. So...yep, you guessed it, I kena 1x Jialat Jialat also! But nevermind, so did EVERYONE. (Well, except G&G of course) Man, you should have seen how freaking messy the bunk was after all the havoc. It was damn fun, but the cleaning up was very troublesome. Nevertheless, it was a super memorable way to end the course. I'm sure nobody would want it any other way. But the story doesn't end. Freaking 3SGs played some lame ass prank on us during the last POP night...SUPER MINDFUKXX. Sometimes...I wonder...

Today, was the iconic POP parade. Parents, civilian everywhere. Quite tensed up, especially during the waiting time. But we were well rehearsed, so nothing should go wrong. Was I right? No, I was really WRONG.

Everything was OK, the banging, the dressing, the sharpness. Until Kaleh Senjata. Fk. I screwed it up infront of 400+ ppl!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!! What happened was we were supposed to change rifle from right to left hand, but when it reached my left hand, I slipped my hold of the butt and just scrappily managed to hold on to the MAGAZINE, to prevent it from dropping. Can you imagine, how I felt? I definitely saw eyes focusing on me when I did that mistake. So what to do? Since I can't adjust, I just hung on to the awkward position. And in the position, we had to recite the MP creed. Freak! I'm sure I looked like a clown. But...these kind of things...nevermind la, at least didn't drop rifle...THAT would had been 100000x worse!

But it wasn't just me who made a mistake. Our commander also gave wrong command for one of the drills. But he sibei zai, wrong command, he still shouted "SEMULA!" damn loudly, as if he did nothing wrong, and proceeded with the correct command. Wah...respect man.

All in all, very enjoyable day. Watching our course video did make me feel emotional, especially with all the shit we went through together. Never felt this during BMT. The Fked up elitest section.

YEA, finally got the ORANGE MP BURSARD. I am a Military Policeman!

Oh, and my posting didn't change. I am going to LECC, good or bad? We will see.

Have to book in 0730 tml for briefing. Gotta run!



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