Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lab's WC Predictons: The Quarterfinals.

Match 58
Uruguay vs Ghana

What? Did I hear people say Uruguay's gonna breeze through this? A walk in the park? Haha. Funny man, really funny. Have you guys seen how those freaking Africans totally raped the Americans? It was quite disturbing, to say the least. They made US look like amateurs! I am trusting upon this fact, plus the fact that they are so fired up and in form now, that the only remaining African representative will overcome the powerful Uruguay and secure themselves a semifinal spot. Typical underdog story...
FT: Uruguay 0 Ghaha 2

Match 57
Netherlands vs Brazil

Hey Holland! Your compatriot in "Crumbling to the big boys" Portugal are already out! What are you still doing here??! Yes, I think its due time Holland packed their bags. Though, I have a sneaking feeling they could actually spring a surprise and beat Brazil. I mean, Brazil are so heavily hyped it's not even funny. And what better time to silence all the bandwagons and fanboys and gloryhunters than to have Holland actually beat Brazil in the OF? Think about it, this would be HUGE! But then again, it's Holland we're talking about, so...
FT: Netherlands 1 Brazil 2

Match 59
Argentina vs Germany

This is the one I've been waiting for. But I can't watch it!!! *Sucks thumb* Anyway, this is probably the hardest match to predict. It can easily go either way. Both teams are deserving of a spot in the Finals, I've said that before. On one side you have the most in form team right now, Argentina, playing so damn well, and I almost forgot to mention their UNBEATEN streak. On the other hand you have this relentless machine in the form of Germany. This is THE TEAM that put England to where they belonged in World Football; NO WHERE. And they look so organised and threatening everytime they play, I'm not surprised if they tore Argentina apart just like that. They are unbelievably GOOD right now!
FT: Argentina 2 Germany 2 (Argentina to win on Penalties)

Match 60
Paraguay vs Spain

This is a no brainer. If you go to the betting shop and put Paraguay to win, I salute you.
FT: Paraguay 0 Spain 3

So there you have it. I feel better now posting this after that rant; at least it's giving me some form of incentive to look forward to the final few matches. Trying to make things more interesting for everyone man! =)


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