Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ending days in MPTS...Xiong arh.

What a unexpectedly xiong week!

Totally not prepared for it man...well, what happened?

Put it simply, it was IPPT and the POP Rehearsal.

I don't want to elaborate on the negative stuff again...I'm trying to free my blog of any whining and complaining from now on...at least for the moment. But seriously, POP rehearsal was H-E-L-L. Trust me, IMO more shack than BMT de. We literally did drills non stop (excluding lunch) from 7.30am all the way to 5.30pm, no exaggerating! OMG. Thinking back gives me headaches. And to think life after MLM was slack, I WAS TOTALLY WRONG. Fking kicked in the face man.

Plus plus, the damn IPPT run and CCT! Almost forgot bout' CCT! OMG 3 man team is no joke sia. Okay, we were partly victims of our own choices, but who would've thought one man could struggle off three men with so much brute force and resilience? Ya, what we had to do was 3v1, three officers must take down a detainee and force him to some locked up position. But I didn't mention though, this one guy, was FREAKING MUSCULAR. He's built like some wrestler la! But still, we had THREE strong guys too. It couldn't be that hard, could it? Turned out we were very, very wrong, and got owned. Totally couldn't subdue him, no matter how hard we tried. It was like wrestling a freaking APE. After the few minutes of chaotic struggle, all of us were drained out man. But the worst part was the after effects---bruises, cuts, sores, aches...everywhere. Zzz...


I was this close to GOLD for IPPT. Best effort yet, surprisingly.

Why do good things happen when people don't really expect it?


SBJ: 234cm
Chin ups: 11
Sit ups: 40
Shuttle Run: 10.02 sec
2.4km Run: 10min 10sec

Blarghhhhhhhhh this is mindfukxxx...26 more seconds...I couldn't stop blaming myself for not pushing hard enough...if I had known I was this close, I would have sprinted further back to capitalize on the time...

But nvm. This is my best timing yet, and a solid improvement from last time. I will try to improve next time...hopefully, hopefully...next year's IPPT I would have finally attain GOLD la!

Now...I'm omly waiting for my confirmed posting, and decided my road ahead. I was thinking, if POP rehearsal was so jia lat already, then if kena LECC, which means everyday drills, wouldn't it be WORST? Is it worth it? Oh man...

QOTD: Take attention to details, and you will find excellence.


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